In this episode, ITSPmagazine's Sean Martin has a full house with four guests on the show.

Join Sara Hill, SVP Advanced Technologies from Enterprise Ireland, Alan Mc Glinchey, VP Technology from IDA Ireland, Eoin Keary, CEO of edgescan, and Nollaig Heffernan, Director of Product Delivery for Waratek as they look at the increasingly-challenging threat landscape and the growing information security market.

As the RSA Conference in San Francisco provides an environment that invites and attracts welcomes individuals and companies from all over the world, Sean explores what it’s like bringing Irish-based companies abroad to do business in the US. Flipping the coin to the other side, they also talk about the value of extending a non-EU company's reach into the EU via Ireland; one of the leading value propositions presented being the wealth of diverse talent available based in what will be the only English-speaking country in the EU after the UK exits the Union.

With Ireland playing a pivotal role in the EU's presence in the tech industry, Sean also asked the group to share their thoughts on the pending General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); what it means to be compliant, and the need for organizations to take data protection seriously - starting now.

Learn more about Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, edgescan, Waratek and other happenings taking place at RSA Conference 2018 here: