So I guess there aren’t going to be real cars in the RSA Conference sandbox. As you can imagine, we are really upset about it. We wanted to break things apart and get grease on our hands! But that’s ok, you can still hack the heck out of cars.

In this episode of Chats On The Road to RSA Conference, ITSPmagazine's Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli are joined by Robert Leale, co-founder of the Car Hacking Village, which is new this year. Wired and wireless exploitation of vehicle systems has become a critical safety concern for the automotive industry and consumers alike. Through hands-on experience with industry experts, the Car Hacking Village Sandbox aims to educate security professionals on the functionality of vehicle systems and the vulnerabilities that could significantly impact the safety and security of today’s drivers and passengers.

How far are we from safe and trusted autonomous cars picking us up and driving us around? Is the future far away, or is it already here? At this RSA Conference Sandbox, you will find a virtual vehicle that you can play with and try to hack, as well as six different workshops where people can learn about these systems. The goal is to find the flaws and limitations, while understanding how these systems work, in order to make them better and safer for the end users.

Keep in mind that all these Sandbox events are not just for experts – they’re for everyone who is curious to learn and explore. The ITSPmagazine team is looking forward to spending time at this Sandbox and keeping the conversation going. So come by and get your hands dirty! Virtually speaking, of course, but still as fun.

But first listen to this interesting conversation at the intersection of IT security and society to get an overview of what to expect.

Beep, beep!

For more chats on the Road To RSAC 2018