Using Strategic Partnerships To Fast Track Business Growth (Online Trainer Show #30)

There are right and wrong ways to begin a podcast, and the gang has it down to a science: Overpriced Starbucks drinks, social media stalking, and Googling yourself. Today, they discuss what to look for in a partnership, the biggest mistake to avoid at all costs, and stories that illustrate how to utilize true engagement to generate business. So many people are too afraid to make that first call, but if they push through those trepidations, they could forge partnerships that transform their business. Don’t sell yourself for less than a mango dragon fruit drink —make that first call.

In This Episode: Why it’s important that you’re not too similar to your partner [16:24] Why you shouldn’t work with someone just because you like them [18:39] The value of training influencers for free to get your foot in the door [28:08] How to utilize true influencers and succeed in an influencer’s economy [30:07] The difference between engagement and following [32:43] How essential it is to narrow down your choices before you deep dive [35:47] Why you should focus on a specific demographic [36:33] Carolina emphasizes not selling yourself short [40:16] You could be the first person to connect with someone, so always take that first step [42:11]


“We’re so fixated on followers but engagement is where the money is.”- Ren Jones


I’m Your Partner, Not Your Friend

A pivotal mistake that so many fall into is partnering with someone only because they like them. Sure, you need to have great chemistry with someone, but if you two are too similar, you won’t complement each other and ultimately fall into the same habits. Instead, create a partnership where the one fills in for the other’s weaknesses, and you will reach a mutual goal together.


Engagement Vs. Followers

Working with influencers is critical to expanding your business, but so many “influencers” are focused solely on follower count and do little except sell products or a personality. If you work with people who are experts in their field and wish to spread information, your business’s engagement will multiply and impact so many more people in a significant way.


Make That First Call

Taking the first step is the hardest—that leap of faith that puts the pressure on high. Too many entrepreneurs hesitate to reach out because of their own insecurities or reluctance to try something new. Putting yourself out there is undeniably frightening, but if you can stop selling yourself short and make that first call, you could bridge a connection that changes your life.




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