The Importance of Putting Your Fitness First As An Online Trainer (Online Trainer Show #31)

They say to put on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else, and it rings true even in the fitness coaching industry. After the gang discusses surviving camping trips and photoshop jobs, they explore the nuances of putting your own fitness first. Life has a tendency to shift your focus toward other people, and while that may be important, your number one priority should be on yourself, fitness trainer or not. Like building a strong core, everything starts from its foundation, so to make others stronger, you have to make yourself stronger first.

In This Episode:

How Jonathan schedules his workouts [13:53] Do trainers need to look a certain way?  [15:33] Ren and Carolina discuss how women’s fitness goals differ from men’s  [19:41] How Jonathan's training style has changed [26:37] The key things to remember so your body ages well with you [29:27] How to schedule your life to maximize fitness and productivity [34:50] Why you should always invest in yourself first [37:20]


“If you want to look better, and think better - you need to take care of yourself. Your fitness needs to come first.” - Jonathan Goodman

One Size Does Not Fit All

Many people feel that their body doesn’t “look” like a trainer’s, so they feel dissuaded from pursuing the field altogether. Everyone’s fitness journey is different, so someone who doesn’t sport an Instagrammable six-pack may have tons of knowledge and experience that could change lives. Do it anyway.


Fitness First Time Crunch

Quantity time is not necessarily quality time, and nowhere is that more evident than productivity. Life gets in the way and fitness is often put on the back burner, but if you schedule your workout time first and craft your day around that, your brain will squeeze more productivity out of less time. Your mind and body will thank you.


Invest In You

The business of training may be inherently about helping others, but so many miss a critical part—themself. Before you can coach others to become their best selves, you have to do the same for you. If your clients deserve to be their best selves, so do you, and once you establish that precedent, you’ll never think twice.



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