Look we don’t need to kid ourselves that the holidays are NOT a busy time of the year. The month of December brings on different things that will fill up your calendar - traditions, social gatherings, volunteering, baking, gift buying etc.  Prioritizing pleasure is tricky in REGULAR time, let alone during the holidays - especially because we are socialized to put everyone else’s needs and feeling FIRST. Listen, I promise no one wins when you put your pleasure on hold - not you, not your family, not your partner. And during the holidays when the obligations and requests from others are running high it is important to get intentional about how you WANT to experience the holidays. The holidays are magical and fun and an incredible time of year - let’s make sure that is YOUR experience this year.

Here are my 5 tips for the most ecstatically enjoyable holidays. PLUS make sure you sign up for the FREE 5 day Turned on Woman Holiday Plan - your 5 day emails series that will give you exact tools and strategies to keep leaning into your turned on woman self. Join for free at https://www.daniellesavory.com/tow-holiday

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:Why it is important to decide what we WANT our holiday to look like ahead of timeWhere we have energy and time leakageWhy guilt has no space in you declining requests and bowing out of invitationsWhat self-loving boundaries look like and why they are even MORE important during the holidaysE.L.F. and other tools you will receive in the free Turned On Woman Holiday PlanFeatured on the Show:Get the Turned on Woman Holiday Plan right now! This totally free 5 day email sequence packed with strategy, tools and your go to thinking to create the most fun, playful and orgasmically pleasing holiday! Sign up HERE: https://www.daniellesavory.com/tow-holidayREVIEW It’s My Pleasure NOW and be entered to win 2 life changing coaching session with Danielle, the course Undressed or a $100 gift card for some pleasure enhancers. Plus every review that is submitted in the month of November will generate $10 donation to Iranian American Women Foundation helping raise the visibility of women’s rights being threatened in Iran. Find out all the details about how to submit your review for eligibility for the donation and drawing HERE. (https://summerlovin.my.canva.site/giveaway)Undressed: new course that will rewrite your relationship with your sexuality AND with your body and have you opening up and experiencing more pleasure than you ever have before. https://www.daniellesavory.com/undressedInterested in having me as your personal coach? Are you a 6/7 figure earner with a lot on your plate, but still want to see your busy life infused with more joy and pleasure?! Then consider a 1:1 coaching to utilize your time and have your whole body feeling alive. Apply and let’s have a conversation about what pleasure coaching could do for you. Prized raise in 2023 so take advantage now of the current openings.  https://www.daniellesavory.com/coaching