Being too tired is one of the main reasons that I hear women dismissing an invitation for intimacy or putting off pleasure for another day - when they think they might have more energy. And I get it, I too have experience lots of tired nights when sex is the last thing my mind says I want. But in this episode I want to offer you a very radical perspective . . .  what if being tired is the exact reason we need to be having MORE sex? What if it is actually the antidote to having more energy?

Well my friends, this isn’t just a theory - when we look at how orgasms and sensual pleasure support the body and the brain you will quickly see how orgasmic pleasure might be the ‘caffeine’ boost we all need, but even more nourishing because it helps create actual rest and ease in the body. Pls when you learn how to put pleasure at the top of your list, instead of the bottom, the way you show up will have the added bonus of giving you more energy to begin with.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:The impact of coaching 1:1 with me and how you can get two free sessions.How our mindset about sex will make it seem like an added effort instead and how to change thatThe importance of understanding what is draining energy in your lifeHow pursuing sensual pleasure will have you showing up in a way that revitalizes your whole beingThe impact that orgasms can have on a more restful sleepFeatured on the Show:REVIEW It’s My Pleasure NOW and be entered to win 2 life changing coaching session with Danielle, the course Undressed or a $100 gift card for some pleasure enhancers. Plus every review that is submitted in the month of November will generate $10 donation to Iranian American Women Foundation helping raise the visibility of women’s rights being threatened in Iran. Find out all the details about how to submit your review for eligibility for the donation and drawing HERE. ( new course that will rewrite your relationship with your sexuality AND with your body and have you opening up and experiencing more pleasure than you ever have before. in having me as your personal coach? Are you a 6/7 figure earner with a lot on your plate, but still want to see your busy life infused with more joy and pleasure?! Then consider a 1:1 coaching to utilize your time and have your whole body feeling alive. Apply and let’s have a conversation about what pleasure coaching could do for you. Prized raise in 2023 so take advantage now of the current openings.