So you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while now, and you want to take this work to the next level and it’s time to bring your partner into the conversation. Talking about pleasure and your sex life can be taboo and a bit of a minefield when bringing this up with your partner. Sex has a way of making us feel vulnerable in a way that nothing else can. 


In this episode, I share with you how to bring this up with your partner, whether you are the one who wants to take this work to the next level, or, if you are wanting your partner to engage in this work. I talk about creating a safe space for both of you, conversation starters, and what a successful outcome looks like. 


If you’re listening to this podcast and you’re enjoying the content I’m putting out there, I would love it if you would share, rate, and review this show! The more that you can share how this is helping you allows other women to come to this podcast and learn as well. As many of us know, this topic can be very scary and vulnerable, and the first place people go when they’re deciding to listen to something is to look at the reviews, and by sharing your ah-ha moments and how this show has helped you, it can begin to help others. 


To help other women find this show and create more pleasure in their lives, leave a review! Click here to go to Apple Podcasts and follow the steps below.


Topics In This Episode:Looking at your role in this conversationCreating a safe space for both you and your partnerWhen to bring up this topic and have the conversationPreparing yourself for this conversation and understanding why it is important for youAvoid focusing on the problemNavigating through miscommunication and misinterpretationAre you seeking permission? If so, why?

Enrollment for Better Sex in 90 Days is coming up in September for the next cohort. I have so many additions for this upcoming cohort. Plant the seed on why you want to do this. If you have any questions, reach out to me at [email protected]


As always it’s been my absolute pleasure to share this with you today. Remember to be grounded in love and to be open to your partners feelings. Create a safe space for them and for you to be able to talk about this topic, which can be difficult and scary. Good luck in your conversations and I can’t wait to talk with you next week.