As you know, Cody always recommends that, when we can, we should take advantage of the many tests that are available that can give us an inside look into our current health status. It's a more efficient way to learn more about what's going on with our body, so that we can then have a clearer understanding, rather than a good guess, about how we need to adjust our lifestyle and nutrition strategies to achieve lifelong optimal health.

On today's episode, Cody visits with Kristen Fuller who is a Dietitian and certified Food Psychologist. She created an incredible test that takes your unique genetic makeup into account and provides you with diet and exercise strategies that are tailored to your genotype. So, it's not a guesswork, one-size-fits-all or a fad diet of any kind, because it's all based on your unique DNA.

Listen in today to learn more about why it's such an amazing tool to learn more about your predispositions, like; your metabolism, possible nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, and diseases. As well as what types of exercise and diets you respond to best. Kristen and Cody also dive into the role of epigenetics and how this is what influences our genetic potential to manifest positively or negatively. it's all fascinating and when we can obtain this type of understanding of our health,  it puts a lot of power into our own hands.

Did you learn something new today? Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and share this episode with all the girls you love. We would appreciate it if you'd also rate us and leave a comment on iTunes.

Want to connect with Kristen?
Kristen so generously offered you listeners a special discount for the IHC Balance Test!
You can use Discount Code: cody10

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Cody Sanders @soulhappyandhealthy
Jess Toolson @jesstoolson

To submit questions or if you think you'd be a perfect guest to have on our podcast reach out to us on speakpipe and record your questions for us!

You can also contact [email protected] or DM McCall @mixhers on IG.

Today's show is sponsored by Mixhers

Did you learn something new today? Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and share this episode with all the girls you love. We would appreciate it if you'd also leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

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