Yolanda Whyte
Genesis 19-21

Summary 19
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
Two of Gods Angels arrived in Sodom. Lot invited them to his house where he welcomed them and feed them. The men from the city of Sodom knocked on Lots door wanting to have sex with them. Lot was against this wickedness. So Lot offers his two daughters to the men whom were virgins. The men were against this offering. The Angels grab Lot back into the house. The Angels struck the men with blindness while they were outside the door. The Angels asked Lot if he has family and to get them out of the city of Sodom because God was about to destroy it. Lot and his family was told to run and don’t look back. But Lots wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt. The city of Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. When Lot and his family left Zoar they lived in a cave. His daughters didn’t have children. So the daughters came up with a plan. They had gotten their father drunk and laid with him. Lot never knew what was going on. The daughters became pregnant. This would keep the legacy alive. The oldest daughter give birth to a son named Moab. The youngest daughter gave birth to a son named Ben-Ammi.

Chp. 20
Abraham and Abimelech
Abraham was camping in Gerar. Abimelech was the King. Abraham had told the King that Sarah was is sister instead of his wife. Abimelech sent for Sarah. God came to the King in his dream that night and told him that Sarah was married to Abraham. The King had not touched Sarah. Abimelech was upset that Abraham had lied to him. God knew Abimelech heart was pure. Hod gave Abimelech before he had committed a sin before God and his family. Abimelech gave Sarah back to her husband Abraham. Abraham bring a prophet prayed for Abimelech. The King gave Abraham sheep, cattle and servants. Abimelech told Abraham that they can live there. Abraham was also given thousand pieces of silver that’s so Sarah was vindicated. Now God healed Abimelech, his wife, maidservant’s and they we’re having babies again.

Chp 21
The Birth of Issac
God visited Sarah just in the year that he said he would. God kept his promise to Sarah. Sarah gave birth to a son name Issac. Issac was 8 years old when his dad Abraham circumcised him. Sarah told Abraham to get rid of Hagar (maid) and her son Ishmael. She didn’t want no slave child to share the inheritance with her son Issac. This pained Abraham because Ishmael was his son also. God told Abraham to do what Sarah told him to do. So Abraham packed them good and water and told Hagar to leave with her son. Hagar wandered off to the desert of Beersheba. Hagar left her son under a tree because she couldn’t take care of him and she needed to cry. The angel of God told her not to be afraid. God told her to get up and go hold Ishmael her son tight. I’m going to make of him a great nation. God opened her eyes and she saw the water. She went to the water and filled the canteen with the water. She gave her son the water to drink. God was with Ishmael as he grew up. He became a skilled archer. He lived in Paran wilderness. His mother had gotten him a wife from Egypt.


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