Gen 16-18 Smmary
Chp 16
God promises Sarai and Abram a child, but because it was taking a “long time” in Sarai’s eyes, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She decided to have Abram sleep with her Egyptian slave Hagar and build a family through her. Abram agrees.  Hagar conceives and birth a son named Ishmael.  However, once Hagar discovers she is pregnant, she began to despise Sarai and total chaos, confusion and disorder began to take place within the household.
Lessons learned –
When God speaks something, He is faithful to carry it out regardless of how long it takes.  I know this from personal experience.  He does not need our help in the process of bringing it to pass.  Remember God is omnipotent and omniscient.  Our part is to stay focused on what He has spoken.  Oftentimes what we don’t realize that in the process He is also developing something within us.  “Time” is never wasted with God. I have often heard that “time” is a trainer within itself.  Something to think about.
Chp 17
God appears to Abram and makes a covenant with him – a covenant of circumcision.  He instructs Abram that his name will no longer be Abram but Abraham and he will be the father of many nations and will be very fruitful, that kings will come from him.
God said that this covenant is not just with Abraham but his descendants after him for generations to come that they must keep the covenant.  The covenant was that every male among them should be circumcised.  It was indicated that as Abraham underwent circumcision, that it would be a sign of the covenant between him and God.
Sarai name is changed to Sarah. She is reminded that she will be blessed with a son and he is to be called Isaac. The Lord indicates that his covenant will be established with Isaac as well as his descendants after him. Abraham asks about Ishmael. The Lord replies that He will bless Ishmael, make him fruitful, that he will be father of 12 rules but the covenant will be established with Isaac.  On that day Abraham and every male in his household including Ishmael was circumcised.
Lesson Learned—
God is a God of order.  Although Ismael was the first born of Abraham, the Lord continued to follow through with His original plan and purpose that His covenant would be established with Isaac and his descendants and not Ishmael.
A covenant is an agreement  based on a relationship, a partnership, working alongside someone to accomplish a common goal together.  It is an agreement.  God has made a covenant through the promises in His word and desires for us to come into partnership with Him by fulfilling certain commitments, by trusting Him, seeking Him, relying on Him and obeying His instructions when He speaks.  
As we begin to come into a relationship and partner with God, He is able to work through us in order to accomplish His will in the earth and display His glory through us to others. 
Chp 18
Abraham receives a visit from three men and while there, one asks about Sarah and prophesied that about this time next year she will have a son.  Sarah was listening nearby, laughed and thought of her old age and that she was beyond childbearing years. The Lord asked Abraham, why did Sarah laugh at the thought of bearing a child in her old age.  For is there anything too hard for the Lord.
  God reminds us that He is the Lord Almighty.  He is omnipotent.  For He is able to do anything, anytime and any moment.  Just a reminder to stay encouraged on the things that He has spoken and promised.  Because there is no such thing as “too late” with God.


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