Genesis 12
God commanded Abram to leave his country to a land he will show him.
Abram obeyed the command of God. He started on the journey. When he got to Canaan ,God promised to give him the land. "To your offspring I will give this land '
Also Abram built an altar for the Lord .
Meanwhile in Egypt , Abram deceived Pharaoh .Telling him his wife was his sister. The chapter ended with Pharaoh discovering the truth and Abram leaving the land of Egypt.

Lesson derived :
God is happy when we obey his commands and also when we faith in him.
Also no matter any situation we should always believe the Lord will protect us. Abram was afraid for his life meanwhile Go d was there to protect him and his household .

Genesis : 13
There was strife between Abram's and Lot's men. There has been a huge increase in both their livestocks.
Abram decided to allow Lot have a choice of land to Live. Lot chose the Jordan valley while Abram dwells in Canaan.
Afterwards God renewed his promise to Abram . In verse 16 " I will make your offsprings as the dust of the earth ...
Abram later built an altar again for the Lord at Hebron .

The lessons
We must not be selfish and allow peace to reign any where we are . Abram even though he is way older than Lot allowed him to choose first.
Also Abram has the heart of worship as he often builds altars unto the Lord.

Genesis 14
Abram went to Lot's rescue. The king of Sodom and Gomorrah with other kings started a rebellion which however wasn't successful.
They were under the domination of the kings of Shinar, Ellasar and two other kings.
Abram rescued Lot and was able to defeat these powerful kings .
He had an encounter with Melchizedek (the priest of God most High ) . He gave him the 10th of the spoils of war .Meanwhile Abram displayed his lack of greed by not having a share in any of the spoils.

Even though Abram was separated from Lot physically he still has a deep love for him .
We are to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Genesis 15
God asked Abram to look at the sky and count the numbers of the stars. He God promised to make Abram's seed as countless as the stars .
He was told not to be afraid.
Meanwhile God gave Abram a sign .God also promised Abram to live a long life.

God understands our weaknesses. We should continue to keep our total faith in him.


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