Bible Summary
Exodus Chapter 32: This chapter tells us how Moses went up the mountain to collect the ten commandments and before he came down the Israelites told Aaron to make a golden calf for them to worship as their god because Moses is not forthcoming and Aaron did, God saw this and got angry and instructed Moses. When Moses saw this he was angry and smash the tablet on the floor and Moses instructed the Levi what to do and 3,000 were killed. God later punished them even after Moses pleaded on behalf of them

Lesson learnt: God is a jealous God, so don’t worship any other god aside the Almighty God.

Exodus Chapter 33: The Lord comes to a final decision here in chapter 33, that He will send an angel to go with the children of Israel into the lands of the Canaanites, God made sure Moses told the Israelites God is ready and willing to destroy all of the children of Israel in a moment because of their sin. Moses also took the tabernacle and set it outside the camp, far from the people and officially named it the Tabernacle of the Congregation. Who ever wanted to seek God had to go outside of the camp to the tabernacle of the congregation to do so.
Moses asks to actually see God, because he only heard a voice coming from the cloud behind the veil all the time he communed with God. God told Moses that He will show him His presence and goodness to pass before him. Moses was not allowed to see God’s face, in fact, no man could see God’s face and live! God gave Moses his instructions of how the situation will go; Moses will get to see the back portion of body of God, but not God’s face.

Lesson learnt: God hate sin

Exodus Chapter 34: This chapter tells us how Moses broke the first set of stone tablets, the ones written with the finger of God. He broke the tablets because Israel broke the covenant with God. After their great sin with the golden idol Moses interceded for the Israelites, The Israelites repented. Moses again acted as a mediator between God and the people. The people couldn’t deal with God directly because of their own sin and rebellion, so Moses bridged the gap between the people and God.

Lesson learnt God hate sin


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