Today’s guest, Charlie Key, is the Founder and CEO of Losant, a leading development platform for IoT products and services. On this episode, Charlie shares plenty of insights into how Losant has achieved success, including key milestones that have shaped the company, the importance of having a customer-centric approach to innovation, the challenges of building enterprise-grade products, and how Losant has evolved to incorporate technologies like edge computing to better serve their customers. He kicks off the episode by sharing a glimpse into his career journey, meeting his co-founders, and the inception of Losant. We touch on the ways in which the pandemic has changed all aspects of business, the importance of adapting with new data, and why Losant is always working on micro-pivots behind the scenes. Charlie reveals the three-part thesis that fueled the inception of Losant and the surprising results of customer research during the initial phases of the company. Next, we discuss how Charlie used the V2Mom model to build Losant: Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, and Measures. He tells us about the customer-centric approach he has taken to building his company and unpacks the process of selecting a target market, before talking about the value of including instrumentation in your research. We conclude our conversation with a few thoughts on emerging technologies, and how Losant has integrated them into their product offerings. We hope you tune in to hear from this expert in the field today.!

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