Welcome to episode #039 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Martin Waxman.

The digital landscape continues to evolve, but it has also been mainstream long enough that it has begun to settle as well. For example, the way in which we navigate online has become customary enough that we can begin to understand behavioral trends. And understand these trends we must, if we want to communicate efficiently and effectively both in and out of a crisis.

In this episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, Martin Waxman and I discuss 5 new digital trends that impact your organization’s reputation and that need to be incorporated into your communications strategies, including your crisis communications. These five trends include:

Online search: Martin and I get down and dirty about online search. Why? Because 93% of online activity begins within a search engine. So what does this mean for your reputation and how can you use this to your advantage, especially when Google keeps changing their algorithms? You’ll discover key takeaways and insights within this episode.
Mobile technology: We discuss the impact that mobile has on your reputation, as well as the risks that mobile technology leaves your organization vulnerable to – many of which you may not even be aware of… yet.
The new generational gap: Studies show that different generations use the digital landscape differently. Understanding who your stakeholders are and how they use technology (from the search engines to mobile to social media) will help you better communicate to and with them in a crisis.
The face of new media: We look at the different social media channels as different types of media outlets and discuss how to use these differences to build your communications strategy. The fact is that every organization has the opportunity to position themselves as a new media company / channel – which, as you can imagine, offers a ton of crisis management opportunities.
Entertainment: Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Meanwhile, the digital noise gets louder and louder. This means that you need to continue to find new and engaging ways to captivate your audiences if you want to position yourself and remain at the forefront.

It’s a fun listen that touches on so many important areas of your digital communications and reputation management. Enjoy!

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Learn more about Martin Waxman
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Check out Martin’s podcast: Inside PR

This post, TCIP #039 - 5 Digital Trends That Impact Your Online Reputation with Martin Waxman, originally appeared on melissaagnes.com.

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