Inklings ~ Tune into Your Body Language and Avoid Missing Out on Important (and possible life-changing) Information

Sharpen the Inner GPS with this:

💫 The body is an incredible communicator and gives warning signs when something isn’t quite right.

How does the body talk . . .

🐪 Achy backs

🌀 Knots in the shoulders

🍑 Pains in the butt

💔 Tension in the chest

🙊 Closed up throat

These are just a few ways. They correspond to the energy that is encountered on a daily basis, experiences from the past, as well as inherited ancestral patterns.

What to take note of . . .

🥴 That one person who is an energy drain and leaves an ache in the heart.

😰 The conference that creates jitters in the belly.

🤐 A speaking opportunity and the voice is lost.

🤢 The Debbie Downer who instigates digestive issues.

Why shifting just the body alone doesn’t help . . .

When aches occur the first instinct is to go to the pain.

That is not necessarily the source of the misalignment though.

To make a lasting and healing shift, it is important to pay attention to the energetic component.

💪 It is necessary to develop muscle and energetic memory to hold the optimal blueprint of alignment.

This is what I love to share - the energetic alchemical recipes that help support the life you were born to live!

If this has brought up more questions than answers let’s continue the conversation here:


Irena Miller is the playfulness behind the Intuitive Energy Adventure ( ) that helps connect you to your unseen resources. Her joy is introducing you to the experience of living a harmonious, engaged, and free-flowing life! With over 20 years of experience studying and teaching energy and yoga, she still loves to see the light turn on in her students’ eyes after a practice. Irena has been featured in Runner’s World, Spark People, and has lead retreats and teacher trainings. She is a certified Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master and Yoga Instructor at the Experienced-500 hour level with the Yoga Alliance. With time so precious and rare, she will teach you how to leverage your invisible support team and realize that you always have support on this journey if you simply ask.

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