How self care can increase your confidence


Busting self care myths Why you should bother How self care links to your self belief and confidence How foundation, fuel and focus = fulfilment


"Self care can mean different things to different people - you don't have to bake banana bread or have a bubble bath” (Ailsa)

“And that's quite powerful. You are making decisions about what's good for you and that's self care in itself...No excuses. No justifications. I just don't want to do that.” (Louise)


Today you are in for a real treat - as we continue celebrating International Women's Day for the whole month I have some incredible women on the show

You may think I am a little biased but they are awesome human beings and passionate about their work as you will hear.  If you are ready to start believing in yourself by putting first and figure out what actually makes YOU feel good and ready to ditch the shit that quite frankly does not light you up anymore and want to know where to start then stick around.  Today we have my two amazing sisters on the show.  

Louise Brogan-Hewitt is a Yoga teacher and business owner. Her passion is creating a welcoming space for people to explore finding ease and freedom in their body and mind, where perhaps they once felt stuck. 

She wholeheartedly believes yoga is for everybody. It is the key to personal transformation on and off the mat, bringing a whole person-centred approach to wellbeing.

Ailsa Nesbitt is a registered associate nutritionist with an MCs in Nutrition. She's a Huge foodie with a strong interest in helping people have a positive relationship with food, debunking food related myths and promoting self compassion. Currently works in delivering the NHS national diabetes prevention program which focuses on diet and lifestyle changes

In between the giggles there is an important message about taking your well being seriously and that mindset, movement and nutrition are the 3 key pieces of the puzzle. 

And we may have agreed to do an online retreat together whilst chatting on this episode - I want to hear your thoughts on that and whether it would be something that you could be interested in- watch this space.  Listen in to me and my sisters trying to stay professional whilst exploring what it means to really value yourself.

Email me [email protected] with the subject line - I'm interested :)


'Work martyrs who sell their soul and say they don't have enough time to look after themselves' - Ailsa

‘I've managed to do something I never thought I could do and that now opens up the door of opportunities’ - Gemma

'It's not necessarily in terms of what we do for self care, it's the practice of doing it that's important' - Ailsa

'Confidence grows when you put yourself first' - Gemma

'If we can't give time to ourselves then what?' - Louise

'Are we going to sit at our desks all day, squeeze in as much as we can and not sleep well and then it s a cycle that repeats itself' -  Louise

'Its the feeling that it creates in us and if its something we can turn into a habit or do daily even better' - Louise

'If I am saying I don't have the time to do something then I am really saying I don't want to do it and need to be honest with myself' - Gemma


Don’t forget you can get my monthly NEWSLETTER that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, book recommendations and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.  

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Louise Brogan-Hewitt

Ailsa Nesbitt



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