Why listening to your instincts is so important


“Follow your own instincts because they are right for what you need for your life, at that point in time” - Pauline Brogan-Hewitt


Today as part of us celebrating International Women's Day (IWD 2021) throughout March is a very special episode with a very special guest. 

A woman who is my original inspiration. 

I am so excited for you to hear from Pauline Brogan-Hewitt and her story of following her career dreams whilst raising a family - the juggle for women has always been around. 

Enjoy this episode and hear more from my ambitious, brave and inspiring Mum - Yay my mum is on the show and by the end of it, it's obvious to see where I get my values and drive from.

“I try not have regrets really, I am sure I have made some mistakes along the way but life is too short to have regrets” - Pauline Brogan-Hewitt


Don’t forget you can get my monthly NEWSLETTER that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, book recommendations and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.  

Get yours by clicking >> https://www.gemmastow.com/newsletter or book a chat  https://calendly.com/gemmastow-1/call-with-gemma

What is your company doing to celebrate International Women’s day in March 2021? 

Get in touch as I have an excellent lunch and learn session that is being booked by companies right now that focuses on self advocacy and how this builds self promotion for women's career progression so that they can start owning their expertise, and speaking up and asking for what they really want which fit is really well with the theme #ChooseTo Challenge. 

Email me for more info [email protected] or book in a call as there us still time to get it booked in the calendar for March.





Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:





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Connect with your host Gemma Stow:

Website: https://www.gemmastow.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemmastow/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemmastow

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomorehidingpodcast

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