Why ‘choose to challenge’ is your best strategy for visibility

Recap on my IWD sessions and the impact  5 steps to choose to challenge yourself and others Feel sad then get mad at what’s going on in the world for ALL women Are you using your strengths to your advantage  Importance of male allyship

Today I am wrapping up what has been an incredible month but at the same time an emotional rollercoaster for women.  We started off strong with IWD and then came so much frustration, pain and anger. 


It’s important to acknowledge what is going on around us and how it makes us feel - but as mum reminds me ‘be sad but then get mad’ because this is when we can see the greatest action that makes change happen - things shouldn't have to go horribly wrong for change but when it does at least we can make some sense out of it. 

This is  Why ‘choose to challenge’ is your best strategy for visibility and today I share 5 ways you can start to do this.  It's about challenging not only those around you but also yourself.  I also promised I would give the gos on how my IWD workshops and sessions have gone so tune in and if you are listening and attended any of the sessions then drop me a message and let me know the impact it has had for you.  

“Throughout all the work I wanted women to know that this is not about fixing them.  They are not broken, the system is.  We all have our individual barriers that we need to figure out and then start to do something about it - we can break down our own barriers to being more visible and we can be part of something bigger that will break down those in the system.” (Gemma Stow)

“The one thing that did shine through was women's lack of clarity when it comes to owning our strengths.  Knowing what they are and how to use them to your advantage.” (Gemma Stow)


Don’t forget you can get my monthly NEWSLETTER that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, book recommendations and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.  

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