Today’s Guest

I first met today's guest about a year ago, through the Denise Duffield-Thomas Lucky Bitch program, shortly before Denise's live event in London. I love how Sandra has built her business around such an important topic for solopreneurs: visibility. It's one of the topics that comes up most frequently with clients, and because I help so many people with their mindset around visibility, I'm very excited to be sharing with you Sandra's super practical tips on how to take action in this area, so you can get known for what you do.

About Sandra Pilarczyk

After her classical training in hotel management, Sandra Pilarczyk had a successful career in hotel sales with Intercontinental Hotels Group. She then spent the next decade running her own venue booking agency for corporate clients, organizing thousands of conferences and events. As a keen volunteer for a global not for profit organization,she traveled the world to train young active citizens. It was there she realized the impact that one person could make by sharing their message – and decided to focus on helping women solopreneurs to do just that.

In 2015 Sandra founded The Visibility Academy to help entrepreneurial activists to bust through the fear of visibility-so that they can STEP UP and STAND OUT in this crowded market place. Sandra is a native German speaker, who also speaks English and Dutch fluently and now lives with her husband and two children in Belgium.


Fearless & Live Visibility Challenge for quiet entrepreneurs who are not shy:





Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Sandra's top tips on how to increase your visibility for your business
How Sandra grew her list and gained valuable information about her ideal clients with just one opt-in
How to find topics of things to talk about in your videos
Why it's so important to believe that your message is too important not to share
How to develop thick skin so you can survive the trolls

Things We Discussed


Connect with Sandra

The Visibility Academy. More Visibility. More Impact. More Clients. 4-week group mentoring program:
Fearless & Live Visibility Challenge for quiet entrepreneurs who are not shy:
Attract your ideal client with your story video – Free, short & sweet training:

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