Today’s Guest

I first discovered today's guest via Cara Wilde, who was a guest on episodes 13 and 116. Jane is a new author who recently discovered her passion (and talent!) for writing, and has recently launched her first book using a traditional publisher. She has a very unique story about how she made this major shift in her life, and I absolutely love the process she followed to make it happen. Plus, you'll discover why Tesco (a UK supermarket) is such an important feature in Jane's spiritual growth. (This will all make sense once you've listened to Jane's story!)

About Jane Talbot

Jane Talbot is an author, storyteller and creativity coach with a career in personal development that spans almost 30 years. She brings her extensive background in NeuroLinguistic Programming, hypnosis and coaching to all her programmes, which focus on supporting people on their own creative journeys. She runs storytelling courses which teach people the fundamental skills of oral storytelling. She also helps writers and other artists connect more effectively with the most creative part of themselves and enjoy the promotional aspect of their work more fully. Her book, a collection of dark faerie tales called The Faerie Thorn & Other Stories, was recently published by Blackstaff Press. She lives in Northern Ireland.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Jane's top tips on how to welcome a new possibility for your business that still respects your current focus
How to make that organic shift into something new
How to know when you're heading in the right direction in business and in life
The process Jane used to find her new focus in life and why it was so much fun
How to get into your body and tap into its wisdom

Inspiring Women

Helene Scott 
Cara Wilde 

Things We Discussed

The Faerie Thorn and Other Stories

Connect with Jane

Five day adventure challenge
 Jane's adventure blog
Jane's author website

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