Today’s Guest

I originally met Lisa online, and when I checked out her website, I was instantly hooked: she calls herself the High Priestess of the Woo. I immediately knew she was someone I wanted to chat with. I love what Lisa does, and I love how she blends her super practical business side with intuitive readings and spirit guides. She's got a very holistic approach to business, and I'm very excited to have her on the show!

Be warned: if you're not into the woo, there's a lot of it in this episode. :)

About Lisa Wechtenhiser

Lisa Wechtenhiser of works with intuitives, soul-preneurs and healers helping them expand their gifts and build a solid business so they stop giving their gifts away for free and make a real impact in the world. She’s an intuitive herself and a blindingly clear channel to Guides and Teachers in Spirit who are pretty awesome business advisors themselves.

Lisa believes that it’s not enough to set up a site and wait for clients to find you. If you want to offer readings or healing work as a business, you have to blend the spiritual with the mundane. In other words, you won’t get far without a solid foundation upon which to do your soul’s work.

Lisa’s expertise comes from over 30 years helping financial advisors build their business as well as her own at Practically Intuitive. Known for her warmth, just the right amount of tough love and her ability to get you out of overwhelm and into action fast, Lisa gets the world of Woo and the world of business and can help you manage them both too so you create a business that supports you while you support others!


What You’ll Learn

Lisa's top tips on how to blend the spiritual with the mundane in your business
Who are your guides, and where do they come from
How to blend messages from your guides into real life actions
Why you need to deal with your own stuff

Inspiring Women

Angella Johnson
Jenny Shih

Things We Discussed

The Business of Intuition Facebook group

Connect With Lisa



Program: What’s Possible Kickstart (

Wonder what you could do if you trusted yourself 100%? Find out in this fast but deep dive into what’s available when you step into that knowing. You’ll come out with a plan, action steps and a lot more confidence about where you’re going with your business.


[R2B 88] How to Blend the Spiritual and the Mundane in Your Business, with Lisa Wechtenhiser #podcast