Today’s Guest

I first discovered today's guest online. I'm not sure whether it was a Facebook ad, or someone mentioned Tami's Solopreneur Equation on Facebook, but I was instantly intrigued (I love profiling tools and quizzes of all kinds). I completed all of the questions, and received the response: Creative Visionary. Now, I already knew that I was a Creator in the Wealth Dynamics, and I'd come up as a Creator/Creative on other profiling tools before. But what I loved about this was the brief video that came with the description of my profile type. It felt like Tami was speaking exactly to me! I'm so excited to have Tami on the show this week to talk about how to play to your strengths.

About Tami Smith

Tami Smith is the Founder of The Dawning Point and an advocate for entrepreneurs in emerging work. She is the creator of a free self-assessment called “How are you actually wired to work?” Her work involves becoming conscious of innate strengths and designing work to play to those strengths.

What You’ll Learn

Why you need to ask yourself the question: Am I just doing what I know how to do and what I've always done?
Tami's top tips on how to play to your strengths as an entrepreneur
Why you can't avoid emerging work (and what that is)
How to activate your weak spots
Why you need to pay attention to how you produce your best work

Things We Discussed

Sally Hogshead

Connect With Tami


Signature Program

In 2014 Tammy interviewed 90 solo-entrepreneurs to crack the code of the (Solo) Entrepreneurial Equation. The (Solo) E-eQ conversation uncovered a way to understand ourselves as the creator of our business, why we want what we want, and why we get stuck.

There is a way to create better experiences for ourselves and our clients. It requires paying attention to our strengths and developing our business around the things we are naturally great at. It sounds too simple and maybe even contrary to what we've been taught around best practices. This isn't about outsourcing or The 4-Hour Work Week. For most people outsourcing isn't an option in earlier phases of business.  We have to have a certain level of traction before we start outsourcing or building a team. The question I wanted to answer was “how can I make my business work without a team and without outsourcing?”

The work Tammy does has developed into a short-course called “Playing to Your Strengths” which brings clarity around innate strengths. The course is a facilitated process that quickly points you in the right direction. The main ingredient is becoming conscious of your zone of genius and how to recognize when you are in and out of your strengths.

[R2B 87] How to Play to Your Strengths, with Tami Smith #podcast

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