Today’s Guest

I originally met today's guest at one of Corrina Gordon-BarnesYou Inspire Me Community meetups. We sat next to each other, and as we chatted over lunch, I realized I loved the concept of her business and wanted to have her on the show. Decluttering is very important to me, and while I don't do it as often as I like, I do have a fairly minimalist life, considering that I move home on a regular basis.

Right now, we've been in this home for almost three years, which is a record for me! Moving home frequently, and moving countries on a regular basis, means that I have to keep things to a minimum. Even so, I often have to let go of most of my belongings when I move to another country.

Julieanne is very passionate about decluttering, which I find very exciting! Can't wait for you to listen to this video. I hope it inspires you to take action.

About Julieanne Steel

Julieanne Steel helps people to unclutter their lives. She is a Minimiser – her aim is to teach you to minimise your possessions. She is also a personal organiser, and uses simple methods to remove the visual chaos and create new re-designed living spaces and storage solutions. Julieanne is a mentor, and she supports you to create habits that reduce your consumption and limit your commitments.

What You’ll Learn

Julieanne's top tips for how to declutter your home
How she turned post divorce debt into a business
How losing things can make your life better
How you can know when it's time to get help with decluttering
Julieanne's easy three-step system to decluttering

Inspiring Women in Business

Corrina Gordon-Barnes
Linda Anderson
Gretchen Rubin

Things We Discussed

Julieanne's YouTube video
Leo Babauta's Zen Habits

Connect With Julieanne


[SHP 52] How to Declutter Your Life So You Can Free Your Mind, with Julieanne Steel #podcast

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