Today’s Guest

I am SO excited about today's guest! I originally met Natalie Sisson last year. I was looking for a new podcast to listen to, and I asked around on Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz + Life Academy to see if anyone had any recommendations. Someone mentioned Natalie Sisson's Suitcase Entrepreneur podcast, and I was instantly hooked from the first episode I listened to. Her podcast was also the inspiration for this one.

Just a couple of months after I discovered Natalie, I signed up for a workshop she was running in London. I loved what she did, and I was thinking about signing up to one of her coaching programs, so I wanted to meet her first. Less than a month later, I was on her coaching program.

About Natalie Sisson

After 8 years in the corporate world, Natalie Sisson left her high paying job that was sucking the life out of her creativity and ability to put a dent in the world, and flew off to another country to play World Championship Ultimate Frisbee and start her first business.

After cutting her teeth in the entrepreneurial world as a cofounder of a technology startup, she went on to take her blog, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, and turn it into the thriving lifestyle business she can run from just a laptop and her smartphone.

Driven by her desire to obtain what most value so highly but few achieve – ultimate freedom, she spent the first two years hustling like crazy, making the same mistakes most new business owners do and and learning a lot of hard lessons before she developed the blueprint to building a thriving online business and her dream global lifestyle.

Now Natalie teaches thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to fast track their own business success and design a lifestyle they love through becoming leading learners, mediapreneurs and masters in outsourcing, social media and online tools through her blog, podcast, lifestyle videos, coaching and digital products and programs.

Natalie is a No #1 Bestselling Amazon Author, a contributor to Forbes, and has been featured on many other publications and media outlets including Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post, Guardian, Daily Mail, Sydney Herald, American Express Open Forum, Mashable, Visa Business Network, Social Media Today and PayPal.

Originally from New Zealand, Natalie has citizenship in the United Kingdom, permanent residence in Canada, has travelled to 68 countries to date and lived on 5 continents, all while running her business and living out of a suitcase.

What You’ll Learn

Natalie's top tips on building an online business
What your business sweet spot is and how to get clear on it
How to listen to what people actually need
Why writing a book is a license to credibility
How Natalie's biggest value drives her business

Inspiring Women in Business

Natalie MacNeil
Jaime Tardy
Marie Forleo
Maya Angelou
Arianna Huffington

Things We Discussed

Suitcase Starter Kit

Connect With Natalie


[SHP 51] How to Have Freedom in Business and Adventure in Life, with Natalie Sisson #podcast


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