I'm excited to introduce this week's guest, Brad Borkan. This is Brad's third time on the show. He was a guest on episodes 422 and 370, where we talked about Adventures in Audacious Goal Setting and How Outdoor Adventures Can Help You Make Better Decisions In Life.

Now he's back, and we're talking about goal setting for our adventures and other areas of life. I find that when I achieve a goal in my adventures, it really expands my perspective of what's possible for me in other areas of life, too. And that goes both ways.

I hope you find this episode interesting and useful, and I hope it inspires you to do joyful and exciting things in life.


About Brad Borkan

Brad Borkan is a motivational speaker and co-author of: When Your Life Depends on It: Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic and Audacious Goals, Remarkable Results.: How an Explorer, an Engineer and a Statesman Shaped our Modern World.

Brad’s talks, books and articles focus on the real-life-and-death decisions made by great visionaries like the early Antarctic explorers. His work reveals amazing lessons in leadership, team work, and sheer grit and determination that can help all of us make better decisions in our lives today.

Brad is also a guest writer for magazines, including the Crisis Response Journal and Strategy + Business.


Brad's Links

Website Facebook Twitter


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What You'll Learn

What are goals and why they're so important in life The difference between goals and desires Why writing your goals down on a regular basis helps you to achieve them How you can achieve bigger goals even if you have a full-time job How to apply these techniques to outdoor adventures and other areas of life


Things We Discussed

422 Brad Borkan ~ Adventures in Audacious Goal Setting 370 Brad Borkan ~ How Outdoor Adventures Can Help You Make Better Decisions In Life (now with downloadable transcript!) When Your Life Depends on It: Extreme Decision Making Lessons from the Antarctic  Audacious Goals, Remarkable Results: How an Explorer, an Engineer and a Statesman shaped our Modern World  Brian Tracy  Strategy + Business magazine  Captain Sir Tom Moore 


Related Episodes

463 Holly Worton ~ There's No Failure, Only Feedback: When Our Adventures Go “Wrong” 379 Holly Worton ~ How to Re-evaluate Your Goals, Plans, and Projects (now with downloadable transcript!) 372 Holly Worton ~ How Outdoor Adventures Can Help Us Achieve Our Life Goals (now with downloadable transcript!) 338 Holly Worton ~ How to Achieve Your Goals + Overcome Obstacles, Step By Step (now with downloadable transcript!)


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