Today’s Guest
I'm so excited to introduce you to this week's guest, Raine Boyd. I think I originally discovered her in Leonie Dawson's Shining Academy, but I've been following her online for some time. I'm so impressed with how she's grown so quickly from a blog about Filofax planning into a thriving business. She's got some amazing list-building skills, and I love her dedication to experimentation and flexibility. You'll learn a lot on how to choose the best opt-in for your business from this week's episode.


About Raine Boyd

Raine Boyd is a reawakened artist + illustrator and blogging coach helping women bloggers {and aspiring-to-be bloggers} bring their message,  gifts and skills out to their right peeps. {Ya know, the kind of peeps actually hungry for what you have to offer. ;-) } Marketing your work can honestly be human, relatable, of service and truly community driven.  Find out more about Raine and her services at


What You’ll Learn

How Raine turned her blog into a thriving business
Raine's top tips on how to build an engaged business with the right opt-in
How experimentation and flexibility helped Raine grow her business quickly
Why Raine created not one but 18 opt-ins for her business
How Raine got 10,000 subscribers from just one of her opt-ins


Inspiring Women

Leonie Dawson
Marie Forleo
Natalie Lussier


Connect With Raine



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[R2B 104] Raine Boyd ~ How to Find the Best Opt-In For Your Business  #podcast