Today’s Guest
I'm so excited to introduce you to this week's guest, Elyse G. Rogers. We originally met at a meetup I organized for people who are in Leonie Dawson's Shining Academy, and then we were roommates at Denise Duffield-Thomas's London event earlier this year. I absolutely love Elyse and her music. What she's doing is really special, and I wanted to invite her to share her story of how she completely reinvented herself as an artist, and how she's creating a very special genre of music. Being an artist these days is just another form of creative entrepreneurism, and you'll learn lots from this episode with Elyse.


About Elyse Rogers

Manchester Singer/Songwriter Elyse G. Rogers is a vocalist with a eclectic vocal range that expresses itself as freely in electronic dance as it does in pop music as exemplified by her origins in the German dance band MAXX in the 90s and now at the start of her solo career working with the no.1 DJs in Europe on new music projects that she intends to change the planets frequency to a more loving vibration through positive music.


What You’ll Learn

Elyse's top tips on how to reinvent yourself
How Elyse went from German pop star to working with healing frequencies
Why it's so important to get clear on what your passion is like
How EFT and NLP shaped her music
The questions you need to ask your self when planning a big business change


Inspiring Women

Jane Kenyon
Dr. Joanna Martin 


Things We Discussed

Solfeggio frequencies
Len Horowitz 
Video with sand on wood forming patterns when subjected to certain frequencies 
Sacred geometry 
Vitruvian Man 
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Emotional Freedom Technique 


Connect With Elyse

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[R2B 103] Elyse G. Rogers ~ How to Reinvent Yourself in Business  #podcast

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