Associate Professor Chie Adachi | Director, Digital Learning at Deakin University

In this video (part 2 of 2), Dr Chie Adachi continues the discussion on pandemic-led innovations in teaching and learning for a digital world. With a key part of her job to convince education professionals to go digital and to embrace and work with any resistance or tensions she encounters, Chie reflects on how the pandemic pushed the needle on digital adoption.

Chie credits her team’s achievement during the large-scale shift to remote learning in part to Deakin’s strong, existing framework for online learning, in which 25% of their student cohort studies exclusively online. The ability to leverage off this best practice and observe successful pivots by teachers and students alike, Chie considers the new ways and affordances of teaching online that may stick around as we navigate the cycle of change.

Canvassing Deakin’s investment in an authentic assessment strategy that recalibrated assessment for a digital format, and a parallel proctoring solution that appeased the timed, supervised exam requirements of accrediting bodies, Chie advocates for thinking more broadly about digital assessment practices. Chie also looks at the work of Deakin’s research arm CRADLE in supporting academics with teaching insights and resources.

In harnessing technology to build an online learning community and sense of belonging, Chie calls for greater emphasis on user experience, and awareness and involvement of the edutech industry alongside education professionals, to improve that user experience in our digital learning environments.

Finally, we ask Chie - what’s the measure of success for the rollout of technology in the context of digital learning among students and educators?

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