Today we’re sharing 10 superpower case studies who came straight from our trainings. Our recent podcast, episode 59 called 10 Tips to Discover Your Superpower sparked a lot of interest. I’ve had the privilege of helping others pinpoint their superpower by guiding them through either coaching or in my training communities. And finding your superpower […]

The post Ep. 62: 10 Superpower Case Studies appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Today we’re sharing 10 superpower case studies who came straight from our trainings. Our recent podcast, episode 59 called 10 Tips to Discover Your Superpower sparked a lot of interest. I’ve had the privilege of helping others pinpoint their superpower by guiding them through either coaching or in my training communities. And finding your superpower involves not only experimenting, but getting feedback.

And today I’m sharing 10 ladies who either discovered or honed their superpowers by putting these tactics to use.


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Authentic Online Marketing School

If you’re listening during the week of November 25th, 2022, we’re deep in the midst of our Black Friday Bonanza, which means doors just opened for the 2023 Authentic Online Marketing School, and you can save your spot for this eight-week content marketing community based training right now.

Here’s the definition of “bonanza”: it’s a situation which creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune or profits. It’s an opportunity to make money. It is a sudden rush of wealth or good fortune. In a more scientific sense, it means a rich source of precious metals. So if you strike gold in your backyard, it is a bonanza. 

Now, I’m not promising you’re going to strike gold with authentic online marketing. However, our goal at Authentic Online Marketing is to cultivate your superpower by giving you the tools to find it and make it shine in your online presence, creating the opportunity to make money in your business, and that’s why it’s the Black Friday Bonanza.

The link is in the show notes, so don’t wait. Check it out if you’re ready to hone your superpower and own your marketing in 2023, and I’ll share more about it at the end of the podcast.

1. Alison Simmons: VA Social Media Management

The first of our superpower case studies is Alison Simmons. She is an entrepreneur who recently launched her own business due to a job loss. She was forced into a corner. But by the time she got there, she realized she had all the tools she needed to run her VA business because she had invested in coaches who helped her find her superpowers. Because of starting a new business, she needed to build a new Instagram account to draw in clients.

Alison says, “I felt completely confident starting an entirely new account because I knew how to set it up, what content I needed to post, and that it was better to grow slowly with the right audience rather than gain followers for follower’s sake. I learned a lot about implementing an Instagram marketing strategy, which I now use to help clients for whom I’m creating content. I didn’t realize how much I learned from your trainings until I started doing VA social media management, and it’s become second nature.” 

Isn’t that great? She knew where to go with her superpower, largely due to trainings.

Different coaches in different niches, and the Instagram focus was from our training.

2. Suzanne Joffrion: Hair & Skin Specialist

Our second woman who found her superpower is Suzanne Joffrion. She’s a hair and skin specialist who came to me two years ago. First she invested in Authentic Online Marketing School and then joined our Insider Mentorship, and she is killing the Reels and generating funds right on Instagram from her hair products.

Suzanne says, “First of all, going live or showing my face isn’t nearly as awkward or scary as it seemed. I’ve learned through community that we can all offer support to one another and help each other with our own set of strengths. I’ve learned that I have lots of creative ideas and I love having the brains, which is you and the others in the community to help me implement them.”

3. Wren Robbins: Podcast Coach

Our number three superpower woman is Wren Robbins. She owns a successful podcast coaching business and helped me launch my podcast at the same time that she invested in Authentic Online Marketing trainings nearly three years ago. Wren says, “The superpower I discovered through Ruthie’s trainings is I’ve become my own authentic self, not someone I’m not, or wish to be or was in the past, but truly online, authentically me.”

“My followers even know my terminology because I share everyday terms that are just part of my personality, and people recognize those terms and actions as indicative to that. That’s what attracts clients. I might be teaching the same thing as someone else, but people hire me because of who I am and my authentic self sets me apart for the people who want to work with me because they’re drawn to me.”

4. Naomi Fata: Professional Seamstress

Our next woman from the superpower case studies is Naomi Fata, a professional seamstress growing her online business through coaching classes and courses. She joined Authentic Online Marketing School and our Insider Mentorship last spring, and already she has grown leaps and bounds.

Here’s what she had to say, “I don’t always see my progress, but I’ve had a few people comment that my online presence now looks branded. Developing a branded voice and message is totally a superpower from both the community and authentic online marketing school. The community itself is a superpower because there is so much collective encouraging feedback.”

5. Michele Bowen: Christian Women’s Discipleship

Next up is Michele Bowen, who launched the Woman Where Is Your Confidence Podcast in 2021, and has learned the ins and outs of marketing while running a side hustle. Her biggest passion is encouraging women to make disciples right where they.

Michele says, “I have learned how to create Reels quickly with ease, and the insider mentorship helps me create content I may not have thought of on my own. A Mastermind is priceless, and I have truly learned how to be authentic and fun while creating content that has substance.”

6. Pat Fenner: VA & Video Production

Up next, number six, Pat Fenner. Pat launched a thriving VA and video production business last year, and I just want to say that she and I have known each other and worked together for several years now, and I’ve witnessed her growing pains and seeing her pioneer her own trail through employing not only my advice, but other coaches and trainings.

Pat says, “Authentic Online Marketing School has provided me with a safe place to try collaborations, get feedback, share challenges, and prayer requests with a group of like-minded and like-hearted ladies. It’s been a great place to grow as a budding entrepreneur.”

7. Belinda Letchford: Christian Parenting Coach

Next up, Belinda Letchford is a parenting coach, podcaster and blogger. If there is anyone who’s passionate about being true to her authentic self online, it’s this lady. I’ve watched her develop her own sense of style with Reels and strategic posts, all while accomplishing her main goal of teaching heart focused parenting.

Belinda says, “My superpower is breaking things down to principal level, teaching them, and then coaching with practical skills of helping them apply. It really is freeing to pinpoint your superpower. It gives confidence to keep going, even to overcome the icky things like marketing.” Amen to that one.

8. Sarah Frazier: Writer & Author

Number eight on the docket is Sarah Frazier, writer, author, and young mom of five. She helps weary moms who need peace in their messy, uncertain, and overwhelmed lives, and has been building her online platform for nearly three years with me. Sarah says, “I’ve found that I can organize and plan my posts to help me be consistent. I’ve realized I also love doing stories. 

Using my superpower to organize and plan my posts helps keep me focused on my main message, which is encouraging moms to read the Bible.”

9. Dalene Bickel: Christian Writing Coach

Dalene Bickel is a book coach, ghostwriter, and podcaster, helping Christian writers achieve their publishing goals without compromising their faith, and she provides free writing sessions at The Inkwell. Her business has blown up since joining Authentic Online Marketing School and our Insider Mentorship.  

Dalene says, “My superpower of encouraging fellow writers to follow through on their dreams has definitely been cultivated through our community. Authentic Online Marketing School helped hone my email messages to my audience.”

10. Melinda Patrick: Speaker

And last, but not least, number 10 from our superpower case studies. Melinda Patrick. Melinda’s superpower is using her speaker platform to speak truth on hard topics. She uses branded reels to broadcast her unique message and to reach her target audience. I’ve watched her gain confidence in her messaging, grow her platform, grow her email list, and even pivot during our time together. 

These are just a few of the ladies that I’ve worked with. There are more success stories with Authentic Online Marketing School.

These Superpower case studies were from Authentic Online Marketing School

With finding your superpower, the first step is always to get moving. That’s what we do with our free challenges. We recently held a 30-day Instagram story challenge that got a lot of people moving in the right direction of stories. So our free challenges are to show you that you indeed can get started because this is an important step.

But here’s the thing: physics says an object in motion stays in motion, but if you don’t move in the right direction, what does it matter? So your next step is uncovering your business superpower and figuring out how in the world to use it to market authentically to your people.

And that is what we’re getting you to do in Authentic Online Marketing School. It’s not just how to market, but it’s how to discover your superpower. And learn where it fits in your business and then infuse it into every part of your marketing so that you stand out from the sea of other emails and posts on Instagram that show up in people’s feeds and inboxes.

We focus on honing your authentic voice and letting that drive things, and the freedom that knowing who you are and knowing what you’ll do and not do in business, that gives you your superpower. Because your people feel spoken to, your emails are scheduled, your podcasts are scheduled because you know your voice and you’re speaking in it, and your people are still hearing it.

And that’s the beauty of the systems that we’re teaching inside Authentic Online Marketing School and what we built our superpower case studies report on. 

Your business may already be underway, but you’re struggling with the marketing side of it, and part of that is knowing what you do well and what to let go. Or you may just be starting in the world of online business.

Maybe there is the dream of entrepreneurship, but you’re not exactly sure what that is or what it looks like. Sitting around in your own head isn’t going to help you find it, but you’ll discover your potential in our training.

Check out the Black Friday Bonanza while it’s going on. And if you’re listening to this episode later or in 2023, know that Authentic Online Marketing School has a wait list and we open twice a year. So get on that wait list so you can be ready for the next round and in the loop.

You have a superpower. And just like these 10 ladies from our superpower case studies, you can find it and use it to grow your book, podcast, business, your message, your platform, whatever your goal is. Thanks for listening today, and remember to share your message your way in your own authentic voice.

The post Ep. 62: 10 Superpower Case Studies appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.