Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways. You may know that I started my business coaching clients on how to build a platform on Instagram and market to their ideal audience.  Over time, my business has shifted to include email marketing because I realized that often times Instagrammers forget that they don’t actually […]

The post Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways. You may know that I started my business coaching clients on how to build a platform on Instagram and market to their ideal audience.  Over time, my business has shifted to include email marketing because I realized that often times Instagrammers forget that they don’t actually own the platform (it’s free) which means Instagram calls the shots on whether folks see their Reels or go viral or grow at a snail’s pace.  

When I first opened my mentorship, I focused largely on Instagram but what I realized was, many of my members hadn’t thought too far into the email marketing stage.  This was something I’d been working on for years and understood the importance of it, but for many marketers trying to build a platform, that is the last thing on their minds.  

I used to feel that way too.  But once I got into the rhythm of sending emails and getting replies, I discovered a whole new inside track to my followers and would-be clients.

Because I own my list, I can email them whenever I want (within reason).  And by “owning my list” I mean that is my own real estate that I have built.  I’m paying for an email service.  It’s not like social media where you sometimes hop on and the refresh button spins around 50 times and you realize Facebook and Instagram are down for 6 hours because of a glitch.  

So now you may be wondering “why are you still on Instagram, with all it’s changes and randomness?”  

Simply put: because I love it. Not all of it, but that is my platform of choice.  I chose it about 8 years ago as my main platform after trying to work all the platforms and running myself ragged.  I built a business around Instagram, and I enjoy studying and keeping up with the changes and then explaining to my clients and members what to do with these changes.

So today’s podcast is just a quick recap on how to combine the two into a sales generating machine.  Ready?  Listen in.


*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Check out Authentic Online Marketing School

Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram Features For Marketers In 2023

Ep. 58: 7 tips for repurposing Instagram stories

Ep. 76: Convert Instagram Followers into Email Subscribers: How It Works

The first thing to do when combining Instagram and email is to 

1. Align your bio with your opt in. 

What is your message, your product, and the reason you’re on Instagram?  Make that relate to your email opt in or lead magnet.  

Here are some examples from AOMS school graduates:

Aimee smith from @ameesmith.restinthetrench is a homeschool mom – her username reflects her message – resting while in the trenches.  Her bio says Helping homeschool mommas cultivate REST and JOY!  And her Opt in is Simple tips for Rest on Busy days.

@Naomifata is the The Thrifty Sewing Coach Inspiring you to dust off your old sewing machine Free thrifter’s survivor Kit 

@dalenebickel is a biographer who helps Christian writers achieve their publishing goals without compromising their faith, and her opt in is The Inkwell where she provides free group writing sessions.  

Suzette Katapodes from @my concretedove is a family caregiver helping other caregivers manage the overwhelm and keep smiling.  She has a free caregiver Survival guide.  

These are just a few of our Authentic Online Marketing School students who have refined their bio and their opt-ins to reflect their core message.  

This creates a seamless flow by introducing followers to your message and how you can help them, and extending the conversation into their inbox with your very first offering – a free checklist, download, video, or something that will alleviate a pain point and give a quick win.

2. Be consistent in both areas.

Many people cite the number one struggle with Instagram being inconsistency.  Nailing down the type of content you’ll provide into categories based on your message and emails will help.  Then, determining set days and times to post, based on the amount of time you have is the second key.  But thirdly, mindset – does anyone really care?  My answer to that is, YOU have to care.  You are the one who believes in your message.  Do you?  If you don’t, it is reflected in your inconsistency to post.  And really, if you are overloaded, pick one platform, not all the platforms.  Pick Instagram!  (I’m biased, but that’s really up to you.  Determine where you’re going to spend your time and then spend your time there.  Be consistent.  And also determine how often you’re going to send your newsletter.  Once, twice monthly or weekly?  Don’t doubt yourself, just send the email!

3. Share about your Instagram in your email. 

Drive traffic to Instagram, because not everyone sees your posts or Reels.  If you have a cool tip you made in Reels, share it so they can learn and ask them to comment or share.  If you create a quote, send them the graphic and ask them to post or share in stories and tag you.  Direct them to older posts that are still relevant.  You can even do that and then expound on that topic in your newsletter.  

4.  Share about your newsletter on Instagram. 

Talk about your opt-in in your stories and what it contains, and leave the link.  Share it in a Reel, or a post.  Create a highlight that says newsletter or freebie.  Name it in your bio (as we already said).

5.  Use in conjunction with your launches. 

Schedule a live and send the reminder link to your list to join you for your big announcement.  After the live is turned into a Reel, email your list with the link.  Tell your followers to sign up for your launch wait list to get early access or a special download for subscribing.  I do this for every launch of authentic Online Marketing School.  Right now you can get our Reels personality mini course plus access to early bird bonuses just by signing up for the waitlist.

If you want to make Instagram work but you need to grow your email list, Authentic Online Marketing School doors open Black Friday, November 25, 2022, and the class will start in January 2023 and go for 8 weeks.  You will get feedback on your bio, nail down your content, learn how to get followers the right way, and how to drive traffic to sign up for your newsletter.  You will walk away with an email welcome series you can be proud of, and a newsletter template with ongoing content so you can work smart, not hard.

“Work smart, not hard.”

Recent graduate, Jennifer Sakata said, Before AOM School, I had a vague idea of how to communicate with. My audience.  I struggled with clarity and focus, as well as over-thinking the process. AOM School provided me both tools and motivation for connecting well with my peeps!

The link is in the show notes, I’d love to have you join me, read about it and pray about it and see if it’s for you. We’ve got some great secret bonuses lined up and special perks you can receive right away before the class even starts.

Instagram and email marketing for authentic followers who turn into subscribers and eventual clients?  Yes please!  Head to our link in the show notes to get on the waitlist to be notified when the launch goes live.  You can cross pollinate Instagram and email for an effective online marketing strategy.  Let us show you how!

Until next week, remember to share your unique message your way in your own authentic voice.  

The post Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.