Welcome to episode 3 of Authentic Online Marketing, 3 Reasons why you should use Reels! Now, this training is not how to do Reels. It’s just kind of getting you acclimated to why you might want to use them and what is behind that. Now many have been resistant to Reels, especially people in my […]

The post Ep. 4: 3 Reasons why you should use Reels appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Welcome to episode 3 of Authentic Online Marketing, 3 Reasons why you should use Reels! Now, this training is not how to do Reels. It’s just kind of getting you acclimated to why you might want to use them and what is behind that. Now many have been resistant to Reels, especially people in my Insider Membership. But, over time, they’ve realized the value. This is what Instagram is pushing. Instagram is pushing Reels so it’s peak time.

It’s not that photos and graphics and carousels will go away. You can still use those effectively. However, you can use them as well as use Reels and you can incorporate Reels into your posting processes to broaden your audience. We’re going to tell you why today. 

Why use Reels in 2021? Here are some of the benefits of implementing social media’s fastest growing avenue. Whether we like it or not, Reels are here to stay! 

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

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Ep. 4: 3 Reasons why you should use Reels

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7-Day Instagram Story Challenge

1. The momentum is just beginning

Reels are only going to grow from here. The head of Instagram, a couple of weeks ago, stated the app will be focusing on creators, videos, shopping, and messaging. For marketers, this is great news. So, TikTok was the most downloaded new app in 2020. As of 2021, with new Reels features being implemented, Instagram is growing by the day. A survey conducted by Marketing Brew found that 87% of TikTok users agree that Instagram Reels are just as interesting as TikTok videos. How about that? This means now that Reels are becoming more central to the Instagram algorithm, and we will see users shift from TikTok to wanting to use Reels, as well as see new Instagram users joining the app for the first time.

2. Reels gives your small business a platform

Now for some great news: Reels has their own algorithm. So, you now have two channels of traffic you can direct to your product or business. Niching down is easy with Reels as you have the option to like videos for a more curated feed for yourself and your target audience. Use hashtags so that your target audience can find you more easily.

You can connect with your ideal customer through Reels. It’s very targeted. 

Here’s a quick tip: Don’t use watermarks or low quality recycled videos. Instagram is not going to be pushing out those videos with the TikTok watermarks. If they are low visibility, they’re not really good quality. 

Instagram loves Instagram.  I’ve been telling you that for years. Use Instagram and their app for your Reels if you want to get them seen. The third and final reason why you should be using Reels is because…

3. You can do it

You can do it right now in the social media world. With a variety of users on Instagram spanning to ages 65 and even older, Reels has proven to be as user-friendly to learn as other social video platforms available.

That may not resonate with you right now, but once you play around with the app, you realize it’s pretty simple. It’s not as hard and you can take it in small doses. If you’re not tech savvy, you can still thrive on Reels. There are little stages you can take and little steps you can take to use Reels correctly. Learning what to post and integrating Reels into your posting schedule is actually more simple than you might think for that reason. 

Reels Crash Course

We want to talk about our newly developed Reels Crash Course. Because knowing how to use Reels is more important now than ever before for small business users, why not get a leg up and get the course! 

It’s only $27. You guys, this is three videos and it’s worth almost a hundred dollars.

It’s a step-by-step guide to posting your first Reel. The first video is all about the tech. The second one’s about algorithm hacks. Then there are simple scheduling tips in the third one. So there are three videos and there’s even a download to help you guide you into implementing reels into your processes. 

It can be done. It’s not impossible, and everybody starts somewhere. So one thing I want to say is that just like anything else, any other form of video or anything else that you’re doing on Instagram or any other kinds of social media, there’s always a learning curve and we all have to start somewhere.

I would say that it’s definitely beneficial to learn more about them. Even if you are pretty comfortable making Reels, the first lesson, which is kind of like a step-by-step of how to make your first Reel, might not be as interesting for you, but lesson two, which is all about algorithm hacks and how to show up in the algorithm is really valuable.

Even if you just end up mostly focusing on lesson two, you could totally do that. It works. 

Instagram community

I think we all struggle with a brain block and ideas. That’s the value of something like the Insider Membership. In a few weeks, the doors are opening for my Intensive! It will start September 6th. It’s kind of a high level membership.

It’s very community driven, but it will help you get your strategy down. It’s eight weeks. We will talk about a lot of this in there, but brainstorming is one of the things we do a lot. We do hot seats, feedback, and pods. You know, brainstorming is a great way to get new ideas. 

Reels can capture your audience’s attention quickly. Use your unique personality. Reels can help you stand out from the crowd for what you have to offer. Maybe you have a similar product as everyone else. Maybe you have a Bible study or podcasts. 

Reels is a way to show your personality and your products and shine to get those out there. 

We have to figure out how to serve our followers when we use Reels. Our account is about our message, but it’s also about them and it’s about how it serves them.

When a user lands on your platform, they want to know what’s in it for them. They’re thinking, “How can I buy her thing?” If they don’t know you, they’re not going to buy immediately. You have to think of how to stand out from the crowd and share the brand, because you are your brand. You have to find a way to start developing your own community and developing their trust.

Use Stories to gain courage

We can’t ignore this anymore. We just can’t. So here’s a tip. If you aren’t using video at all, or you’re hesitant to show your face, start with stories!  Just experiment with them. 

If you don’t like it, delete it. Stories are a good way to start if you aren’t used to video or showing your face. On that note, I also have a seven day Instagram story challenge. It’s free. That’s a resource too, if you’re like starting at ground zero and you don’t know what to do with video.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Authentic Online Marketing! I hope you’ll consider taking the Reels Crash Course. In the meantime, sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know!

The post Ep. 4: 3 Reasons why you should use Reels appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.