Welcome back to the second part of our two-part series of the Follower Growth podcast with my podcast coach, Wren Robbins! Wren also happens to be a client of mine and is in my Instagram Membership. She is sharing the last two steps for how to experience follower growth from 0 to 100 in 15 […]

The post Ep. 3: Increase Follower Growth in 15 Days Part 2 appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Welcome back to the second part of our two-part series of the Follower Growth podcast with my podcast coach, Wren Robbins! Wren also happens to be a client of mine and is in my Instagram Membership. She is sharing the last two steps for how to experience follower growth from 0 to 100 in 15 days. Be sure to check out her IG account, @wrenrobbinscoach! With all that said, the doors to my Intensive are opening very soon. So, sign onto my email list and join my free Authentic Instagram Engagement page so that you can be in the know!

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes

Ep. 3: Increase Follower Growth in 15 Days Part 2

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Be sure to catch up with last week’s episode, 6 Steps to 100 followers in 5 days, Part 1 by following the link below! 

So, let’s begin part 2 with number 5!

5. I offer value

If you’re going from zero to 100 in 15 days to experience follower growth, you have to offer value. It’s fun to do some of the less intentionally planned Reels sometimes. They can be spontaneous but they need to be related to your business. 

You have to offer value for people to follow you. That’s just all there is to it. Then it’s shareable when it’s valuable and people are going to comment. If it’s valuable, they’re going to save it. They’re going to like it.

And they’re going to comment! It sounds so simple, but it really it’s just finding your niche, whatever your niche is, then double down on it and offer value. Those little golden nuggets, those tidbits that everybody’s wondering about, you could even just share one tip. That is what makes all the difference.

Number six. You ready? 

6. I asked interactive questions

R: This is something you teach, when we talked about podcast coaching, you always said to have a call to action in the podcast. 

W: You want someone to do something after listening to all the awesome value that you offer. That’s a huge step toward follower growth! You want them to take that and do something about it. For example, follow me on Instagram, tag me, or DM me. You can talk about email, you know a free download in the show notes.

You are telling them something to do. It’s the same thing with Instagram where you teach us a call to action. It might just be like heart this, give me an emoji or it might be save or share, or it might be go get my download or go listen to the podcast or swipe in the carousels.

It could be any of those things. What I did is I asked interactive questions. You know why I didn’t do it? Cause I was scared. I was worried nobody was going to answer but if not, it’s okay. It’s okay. If nobody answers at first, just text your biz bestie and be like, “Hey, can you answer this question for me real quick? Nobody’s answering and I just need one person to say something.”  Here’s the thing though, you get used to it and people will do it because they get used to it too. I didn’t expect that.

 So I’m asking interactive questions. It’s huge because it encourages people to be social, and that’s what social media is all about.

Experience follower growth by trying at least one of these steps

So, that’s how I got from zero to 115 days. I did all six of those steps and y’all I have a son and we are in the midst of getting our house ready to sell. I mean,  it’s not like I had tons of time, you know, I really didn’t spend a lot of time on this and I had clients.

If you do these, not even all six,  just the bulk of these, you’re going to grow no matter what and you’re definitely going to have fun.

After I got to a hundred followers, that’s when I said “Okay, Wren, let’s pull back and get more strategic.” I had to think about what’s going to work for for me in my everyday life. Not posting every day. 

R: Thank you Wren, I love all six of those and we will have those in the show notes by the way.

That brings me to the next question, which is, have you gotten leads from this new account? 

W: Yes, absolutely. And here’s the thing. I’ve gotten more followers. I’ve gotten leads and I’ve gotten people who are following. People that I didn’t even know were thinking about starting a podcast have let me know that they’re thinking about it. Then I’m like, okay. If you just continue offer value, the leads are going to come. The people that you need are going to come. I always just try to offer those free tips because Instagram is where you’re going to pull them in.

Don’t stay stuck on zero

It’s kind of like the top of your funnel. They’re going to go to your email list. Then, they’re going to go get on your website and check you out a little bit more. Because of your bio or because of the things that you teach. I’ve gotten leads that I was not expecting. It’s exciting because it’s a social game, but it is like the most fun, social thing ever.

I mean, I would do it even if I didn’t have clients come through. I just like it. I’m going to offer this to you. No matter what if you’re a client of mine or if you’re not, I just want you to get your message out. 

Don’t stay stuck on zero. Zero is not good. 

I’m saying that to myself cause I stay on zero a lot. And so we gotta, we gotta get off zero. We have to get off zero and really we have to continually remember that our Instagram account is about. Instagram is about our ideal audience member and not about us. And so we continue to deliver that value.

Don’t be afraid of giving too much away. You can’t give too much away. People can Google how to market on Instagram or how to create a podcast. But what they can’t do is get that personal one-on-one coaching with Wren Robbins. Just by following me on Instagram, they don’t get their personal one-on-one strategy.

R: Same with me, you know I do the intensive, I do one-on-one coaching and people need that one-on-one strategy that they won’t get anywhere else. They learn your teaching techniques by following your account.

It’s exciting. It’s a neat time to be an online entrepreneur, I’ll tell you that. 

Niching = Reaching

R: Do you think it’s easier to grow an Instagram platform that is super niche? 

W: I think I know the answer to this. Yes, it is. Absolutely. 

R: So you would recommend this pivot to someone who’s struggling like to juggle.

W: Maybe they have too many things that they are trying to get out or two different messages. Absolutely. It’s to free yourself up. I’m not struggling wondering what are these people going to think? Because the posts are there for the podcast, but these people are for coaching. How do I know it is so free? I can’t even tell you, like I wrote freedom really big on my notes because there are not enough days in a week for me to post my content. Like it’s overflowing. 

I’ve even had more ideas for my Friends of a Feather Instagram, which I wasn’t even thinking. It’s now bumping that up. It’s crazy. Once you feel it in your gut, you gotta do it.

Follow your gut and it’ll pay off. If it doesn’t work, go back to the other way. It’s fine. You know? 

I would say at least 20 of those 100 followers were from the membership and was from were from the Insider Intensive. Because of that community, they’re like, yeah, I’m going to follow you.

R: Of course, you’ve offered value. 

W: Yes. We are interacting on each other’s posts. That’s huge. 

R: The mantra that we follow which I teach in the intensive, my community marketing framework mantra is community grows opportunity.

I can see how you’ve leveraged that to grow your new account. We can’t be an island. We need community to grow.

God’s example of community

W: The cool thing is that we can be in our own houses. I can be in Memphis, Tennessee, and you can be in Florida and we still have community because of Instagram and because of your membership, because of zoom, because you hired me as your podcast coach. That like boggles my mind.

R: There’s so much evidence to show how community matters. We can go back to the Word of God and see that God is community. You know, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He created us for community. That gets me pumped up because of the community that I’ve had.

We are honored that you were with us today on this podcast about follower growth Wren! 

Wren Robbins is the host of the Friends of a Feather Podcast, a Podcast Coach, and was featured as #4 on the Top 50 Moms in Podcasting {Podcast Magazine, 2020}. She delights in encouraging women in their daily lives and in spurring them on to use their gifts and talents God has given them. You can find more information about Wren and her podcast at wrenrobbins.com.

Instagram: @friendsofafeatherpodcast

Facebook: @friendsofafeatherpodcast

The post Ep. 3: Increase Follower Growth in 15 Days Part 2 appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.