Ruthie: We’re celebrating two years in podcasting by reviewing our top 5 episodes. This special anniversary show features our top Five most downloaded episodes for 2021 to 2022. Join my family team and I, as we share key takeaways from each episode. We’re so excited to share this with you. We’ve done some research and […]

The post Ep. 37: Authentic Online Marketing’s top 5 episodes appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Ruthie: We’re celebrating two years in podcasting by reviewing our top 5 episodes. This special anniversary show features our top Five most downloaded episodes for 2021 to 2022. Join my family team and I, as we share key takeaways from each episode. We’re so excited to share this with you. We’ve done some research and we’re gonna do the rundown now of the top five most downloaded episodes.

So strap on your seatbelt, cause it’s going to go pretty fast! And here we go.


Listen to Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram Features For Marketers In 2023

Listen to Ep. 64: Building A YouTube Channel From Repurposed Content

Listen to Ep. 63: Leveraging 2023 Instagram Trends

Listen to Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways

Listen to Ep. 58: 7 tips for repurposing Instagram stories

We’re going to start with number five, the fifth downloaded episode of the past year from June to June. Take it away. 

#5: Episode 10

Hayley: Number five was episode 10, How to Write Newsletters They Actually Want to Read.

In this episode you were talking all about what it means to target your ideal audiences’ pain points. You discussed the power of free writing and some really great, simple writing tips for bloggers, authors, and small business owners. You talked about being consistent and honing your craft and how that’s a really big key to writing unique newsletters that your audience will want to look forward to.

Ruthie: I also shared five key points to get people reading your newsletter. My favorite is number two, to craft a killer headline. It’s so important, because we have so many emails flooding our inboxes every single day, that you get the person’s attention through that killer headline. I gave two resources right there for helping you craft that killer headline. So go listen to episode 10. 

#4: Episode 8

Nolan: Number four was episode 8, 7 Link in bio apps for driving traffic. This was all about your link in bio on Instagram. This was actually an episode with the two of us, me and Hayley as well.

You can go back and listen to that one too. We talked about first of all, how some people put their website directly in their bio like I did as well. We also discussed the pros and cons of different link in bio apps like Linktree, by, and Smart Bio by Tailwind and then a few more.

Ruthie: Since then, I have changed what I use in my own link in bio to the same as Nolan. Now that we have our new website, Authentic Online, we have actual links from a page on that website so that we can just be driving traffic to that website, but that page has specific links on it. But there for awhile, I tested Milkshake, and of those several that we shared, one of my favorites was Milkshake. It’s free. So go listen to that episode.

#3: Episode 11

Hayley: Let’s talk about number three! Number three was Episode 11, Six Email Providers for Newsletter Marketing. In this episode, you talked about various email automation providers like MailChimp, MailerLite GetResponse, Flodesk, Active Campaign, and Convertkit, which I think you’ve been using Convertkit for a little while.

Each of those providers we talked about also featured a different testimonial for each one, from a business buddy of Ruthie’s. 

Ruthie: At the beginning  something that I mentioned were two main questions to ask when selecting an email provider.  Number one, how easy is it to use?

And number two, how much does it cost? Then I shared that what I use is Convert Kit. I gave three reasons why, but I also want you to know that my number one choice for beginners is Mailerlight. And you’ll learn more about why in that episode. 

#2: Episode 9

Nolan: The number two most downloaded episode was episode nine, effective newsletter opt-ins for email list building. This was the episode that featured author and teacher Sarah Geringer. You guys talked about utilizing printables and the freebies, trial and error, AB testing for newsletters, promoting your opt-in on Instagram and all that kind of stuff.

Ruthie: That was a well-received episode, and something that Sarah said about the difference between having an email list and just posting on social is this. You have a two to 3% return on Instagram posts, but email average open rate is 20 to 30%. So if you have a hundred people on your list, do you want to talk to two or three or 20 to 30?

If it’s a thousand, do you want to talk to 20 to 30 or 200 to 300? So putting your heart and soul into an email list and then repurposing that onto social is really where we should be going from here. Sometimes we get it backwards going to Instagram first. I thought that was a great point.

#1: Episode 7

So then the number one most downloaded episode for the past year is… Episode 7! 

Hayley: Episode seven was how to build follower growth with Sophie Hudson. In this episode, you talked about building on the experience you already have and using your stories and voice to build genuine rapport with your audience, which is something that Sophie does very well.

You talked about just keeping it real, being genuine and not rushing the process, not rushing into exploding followers, but rather building quality relationships with them. You discussed inviting follower conversations and promoting trust and what that looks like as a small business owner on Instagram.

Ruthie: And I have to say Sophie was really my dream podcast guest. It was a dream of mine to have her on the show. To have her early on in season two was such an honor, and we had such a fun conversation. She’s just down to earth real. And she has written many humorous books from life experiences.

A word of advice

Something that she said though, about her most recent book stand all the way up is that you’re done with all of the things that don’t really need to be done anymore. It’s time to actually do the thing, because when you turn 50, which she is, and I am 50-ish, and a lot of our listeners are in their fifties or midlife is that you learn that you just need to do the thing. 

To start speaking your mind and doing what matters most and sloughing off the things that don’t. You learn to get some guts in this second half of life. So if you need an impetus for that, or some tips on how to build follower trust, go listen to our number one top episode, episode 7. Yay. That was a great lineup.

Do either of you have anything more to share about any of these episodes that we talked about before we go? 

Hayley: I would just say I was kinda surprised to see the order of these, because I was thinking that the episodes that would have gotten the most listens were the ones all about like Instagram hacks and simple tips for Instagram.

But really, it seems like what people wanted to hear about was building relationships. That’s kind of one of the things that stuck out to me throughout all of these episodes.

They’re very audience relationship oriented. 

Ruthie: That’s interesting because that is kind of where our head is too.

It’s something that is one of our mantras here, community grows opportunity. It’s not that you are creating these relational followers just for yourself, you’re doing it to help them. But in the process, you’re growing your business, your blog, your podcast or whatever. So, I am also surprised at not only that, but it’s about the newsletter building which we hadn’t really talked about too much in the first year.

What about you Nolan? Anything stand out to you?

Nolan: I thought it was interesting how episodes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, were all the top five episodes. So I don’t know what that means, but I guess you got into a little sweet spot there. 

Ruthie: We really did. It was also the Fall and I think a lot of people are ready to do new things then.

Maybe some people were ready to start building their email list. That’s something that I want to bring out to you guys is to be to all of our listeners is to be watching because we’re going to release our special, Authentic Online Marketing School, which is the marriage of Instagram foundation.

Foundational targeting for marketing your book, podcast, or blogger product. We teach email marketing. I don’t know if you knew that or not, but in the last year we branched out to do that too, because that is one of my focuses that I truly believe in. I see us even on our Instagram account broadening to talk about this more!

So I’m excited to start our third year in broadcasting. Thank you all for being a part of it and coming alongside us, for sharing the show for rating and reviewing it. We would love for you to share this show on Instagram and tag us. We will share and tag you back!

The post Ep. 37: Authentic Online Marketing’s top 5 episodes appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.