One of the best ways to grow on Instagram is to incorporate group Reels collaboration with Reels. We all know that Reels are the effective thing to use right now for growth and gaining more exposure. But when you collaborate, you get even more eyes because you’re sharing audiences. So a month or so ago, […]

The post Ep. 36: How to do a group Reels Collaboration appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

One of the best ways to grow on Instagram is to incorporate group Reels collaboration with Reels. We all know that Reels are the effective thing to use right now for growth and gaining more exposure. But when you collaborate, you get even more eyes because you’re sharing audiences. So a month or so ago, a few of us got together and did a Reel and several people had great questions about the process.

In fact, just the other day inside our Insider Mentorship, Zoom training, one of our members, Elise Parker asked, how do you collaborate with a group on IG? I’ll share the link in the show notes along with the link to the Reel that we did, there were six of us. That way, you can view exactly what we did and what it looked like.

I gave Elise the short version, which you will hear from our conversation I’m about to play today.


Download the Reels Collab

View the Reel discussed in this episode

Listen to Ep. 30: 2 Easy ways to repurpose stories to Reels

Listen to Ep. 72: Grow Your Author Presence On Instagram 

Listen to Ep. 64: Building A YouTube Channel From Repurposed Content

Listen to Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways

Group Reels Collaboration in action: gather your peeps!

Then I thought it might be fun to share this with you and then quickly expand on how to do it because it’s very worthwhile to spend time prepping something like this. Sometimes you need to slow down to see the big picture and then plan in order to have a better effect on growth.

That’s kind of what I’m talking about here.

So on that day, the six of us posted that Reel and as a result within the next week, I picked up about 70 new followers! So at the end of this conversation, I’m going to wrap up and share with you a step-by-step process, just really quickly of what we did and offer you a free download.

Be sure to hit the show notes and grab that download so that you can start shooting Reels too. Are you ready? Listen in.

  *This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

As you can tell, I like to give pep talks in our mentorship meetings. If you ever wonder about our Mentorship and if it would be a good fit for you, you can go to our website and read about it.

It’s in the top menu, and you can see what all we do and you can apply for the wait list. You may be a good fit for our group! You never know till you look, right? 

So I gave Elise the short version because we had discussed it at length previously in another Zoom, inside our mentorship, but I’m going to quickly give you the longer version here.

So here’s what you do to add more than two people to a Reels collab.

First of all, you start with an idea of something that kind of resonates with all of you. You have to have something in common with these other people that you can work on together. So you just invite everyone to collaborate with you. And the best way to do this is just personally to reach out to them.

Then once they say yes, form a pod aka a chat group, so that you can just go ahead and discuss everything right there, and everyone can just be involved and in the loop and give their 2 cents and be up to date. Then you select a sound.  

When we did this, Alicia Byers (who we had on the podcast just last week) had already picked out a sound for us which was great! Someone needs to select a sound, then you team up in pairs. Because you can only collab with one other person right now as of the current time, which is the end of May 2022. 

Team up in pairs

So then, you team up in pairs, and all of the other five or so people, however many people you have in your Reels collab (in our case, it was a total of six). Five of us shot our individual videos on our iPhones, and then we texted them or dropped them in the pod for our main Reels editor, who was Alicia. Everyone got them to Alicia.

The editor forms the Reel and shares it in the post. Or texts it, if that doesn’t work. Sometimes in pods, some people can not download the videos. So either, or, and then another person within the whole group formed the caption.

In our case, it was Jamie Bailey, Alicia’s mom. She formed the caption and then she tagged each person in the body of the caption. And then she created that and shared that whole caption in the pod. 

Then someone else creates a collab photo with the photos of all the members that will show up as a Reels cover. In our case, it was Alicia again. So, you need to gather everyone’s photos and then decide on a posting. Because you want everyone to post at the same time. Now, remember, in our case it was three groups posting at the same time, it was six people.

You can only collaborate with one other person. So you collaborate in pairs. Everybody has the same video, everybody has the same caption. Everybody has the same cover photo. Then we determined what time we were going to post. So you decide on a posting time and then one person from each pair that’s collabbing is the one that has to post it.

She sets up the post at the appointed time, and then she invites the collaborator. So that is under when you’re setting it up. It’s under where you can tag a friend. If you tap on that, there’s also the option to invite a friend to collaborate. Then that friend gets a notification that you’ve been asked to collaborate.

Group Reels collaboration in action: Share!

Then once she accepts, that post, that Reel goes right on her Instagram too.

Now, if you want to go the extra mile and really get some leverage out of this, do what we did and share the individual members of the group. Share about them in your stories and tag them all day long. For instance, I went to Alicia’s Instagram and took from a post that she had already done previously.

It was a picture of her which I shared to my stories and tagged her. I put in a couple of sentences about it.

I did that with every single person in our group that day. Then they all did it with me too, so that the love was shared. Remember, I always tell you too, stories is where you go deeper with people. That’s where you go behind the scenes and see the background, the real story.

Then we kept that pod going all day long and shared updates about how many followers we might be picking up, or even more importantly, the DMs we were having with people. We kept track of the responses we were getting. And there were several people that were responding and saying, oh, I’m so glad that you shared this.

The fruit of our labor

“I need an Instagram coach,” or “I need a business coach,” or “I need a marriage coach.” We had six different types of coaches. We had a podcasting coach too, and a couple of others including a CPA. We also had Sara Motes, Pinterest manager, and the person who designed my new website,, which I interviewed her earlier this month in May.

So be sure to go back and listen to that one! This is how you do it. It’s kind of detailed, but go get this download. We will link this podcast within the download so that you can listen again and again to it! 

I hope this has been helpful for you today. I think it’s one of those deeper trainings that we don’t normally do on the podcast, but every once in a while, I like to throw these in so that you could just have kind of a step by step process in your back pocket. So go get the download.

Thank you. Remember to share your unique message in your own authentic voice.

The post Ep. 36: How to do a group Reels Collaboration appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.