To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. 

Today I am sat across from a powerful young woman who has been greatly rewarded for doing exactly that. 19 years old, over 700k followers across social media. A fashion mogul, and an owner of a lip gloss company. Our guest today is a shining example, of aligning with your truth and following through. Remaining tunnel-visioned and achieving your dreams despite societal norms. A noise from every single angel attempted to stop you in your tracks. 

But that’s just the external successes. You see the followers, the views, the beauty, and the lifestyle, but what you don’t often see is the journey. The trials and tribulations, the deep inner work, and the mental and emotional strength that gets fortified behind the scenes. To live out a mission when the world seems to test you at every turn. 

Today we’ll uncover the journey of a woman who has remained true to her mobile compass. Hear the vulnerable truth of her lived experience. Get radically honest about identity, loneliness, and isolation... AND dive deep into the topics of masculinity, confidence, and courage in the pursuit of a woman... from the perspective of a woman. Stick around for a powerful conversation and listen deeply.

Follow Jorgie on Instagram @jorgiekubursi

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