OUTLINE: Shame-Free & Shame Resilient 

What does being “shame-free” mean? Does it mean you're free of shame? How is that different from shame-resilience? Today We're going to talk about what it really means to be shame free and define shame-resilience.

Define-So what does being shame-free mean?The serenity prayer Shame resilience definedMicro shames discussedThe Role of Forgiveness (define forgiveness)Loving Inner Parent described

“In conclusion, when we are shame-free we are releasing toxic shame and embracing healthy shame. We transition from I am a mistake, to I made a mistake. Our inner critic becomes our helpful inner coach.” 


“Shame Resilience is the ability to tolerate the discomfort, find the strengths in the journey of the pain.” 


If you want to learn more about the specific steps that you can take to master shame resilience, then please sign up for my masterclasses and my newsletter on my website at www.drshawnhorn.com. 

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