Discover the power of holistic health to achieve a balanced lifestyle and improved wellbeing!

"If we have an anti-inflammatory approach to life, there is no reason for these genes to be expressed. And that gives us power. 
Going back to what you said about taking our power back, it really does. It puts us in the driving seat for the vast majority of the population."

Neil Cannon experienced severe eczema for most of his life and was prescribed steroid creams and antibiotics. After his father had a stroke, Neil was inspired to find a better solution and discovered that an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle could help.

He developed his four pillars of vitality to help others: physical, mental, emotional and energetic. He believes that most chronic illness is rooted in trauma and that we can take our power back by understanding how we create our symptoms. He encourages people to address physical, mental and emotional health, as well as energy, in order to be truly healthy. 

In this episode, you will learn the following:

Understanding the power of the mind to influence our gene expression and health.The importance of understanding and addressing trauma in the body to optimize health.Exploring the holistic approach to health through the four pillars of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health.