Dr. Anna Esparham, MD , founder of Health Is PowHer and Pain Free Life Academy, Is a nationally-recognized physician who healed herself from multiple chronic conditions from near death shock to issues with chronic pain and autoimmune disease. She is now a coach helping women learn how to heal themselves for good. Health Is PowHer's Podcast serves women who want to learn about how to overcome all the Issues that come with life.

Anna first became sick with Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome in her first year of medical school following vaccinations and Mono, but didn't realize the vaccines were a trigger until later.  She was fortunate to find help with an integrative medicine approach by addressing her eating, dietary supplements, getting nutrient IV's, Meyer's, and Vitamin C IV's.

A year later, after getting another flu vaccine, Anna had excruciating pelvic pain, worse than any pain she had ever experienced.  She was dealing with Bladder Pain Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis.  Again, she improved… until she got the next flu vaccine the next year.

That third time almost killed her, and left her with (among other challenges) severe Fibromyalgia.
Traditional, Integrative, and Functional Medicine, combined, helped her improve 30-40%.
Spiritual healing accounted for the rest and took her to 100%

Pain is a messenger, giving us information.

Is a diagnosis and a disease process.
It effects multiple systems, including immune system, nervous system and endocrine system.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation published a study where antibodies from Fibromyalgia patients were injected into healthy mice, and the mice developed Fibromyalgia.

Fibro causes neurogenic inflammation, in the dorsal root ganglia.  NSAIDS don't help because they don't reach those nerves.
Inflammatory cytokine IL-8 is involved, as well as increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.

It effects neurotransmitters, suppressing serotonin and norepinephrine which help stop pain sensation.
It is an endocrine disruptor, causing the cortisol curve to be blunted in a stress response, dis-regulating the HPA Axis.
And, Fibro patients produce less growth hormone at night.

We can modulate our pain response by changing our thoughts and beliefs.

The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton
Using visualizations can be instrumental in healing.
Our thoughts change our physiology!
Using your imagination can help you heal!

Spirituality doesn't have to be religious.  Believing in a higher power is essential for healing (even if it is your higher self).

Anna's 1 Thing:

Morning visualization ritual.
Every day, first thing in the morning, visualize your perfect day...
perhaps pain free, energized, happy, joyous, etc.
See yourself move through your day happy and whole.
This may only take a couple of minutes.

Your life will change!!