EP118 - If you suffer from depression, what do you wish people would stop doing that you don't have the heart to tell them but wish somebody would?

For those of us who have a very intimate and long-term relationship with depression, it can be hard to communicate with others about what's going on for you, what you need, and what pisses you off.

I've been in an almost constant state of depression for about the past month now, and while I know my loved ones only want to help, there are certain things I wish they would either do or stop doing because they don't fucking help and usually only trigger me to feel worse.

But it can be hard to tell the people you love to fuck off politely, so let me do that for you.

Today, I am hoping to accomplish three things:

1 - If you suffer from depression, you'll probably be able to relate to some of the things I am experiencing, and it's always nice to know that you're not alone

2 - If you have difficulty communicating with the people who love you about how they can support you, this may help

3 - If you're someone who wants to know how you can better support your loved ones who suffer from depression, it's better you hear this from me than from them

WARNING - Today might get a little dark so if you're a sunshine and rainbows type of person, you'll especially want to stick around so you can hear about how the other half lives.

DISCLAIMER - I am not a medical professional or psychologist so everything I share is from my personal experience. Be sure to seek professional support to ensure you get the help you need.


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Notable Quotables by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of LoveTara Brach's book Radical Acceptance

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