115 - How do you remain laser-focused on achieving what's most important to you so that come New Year's Eve 2024, you're not looking back on the last year (starting in only a few weeks) and see that all those grand plans you had were only that - plans!?

Today is a MASSIVE day for me because one of MY main goals for the year is coming to fruition inside this episode.

I have always wanted to share the MMU Mic with my nearest and dearest Brothers so that you can hear the magic I am surrounded by daily applied to the MMU, and today we get to hear from three of them.


Philip Pape - IG | Podcast (Apple | Spotify) | WebsiteAllan Friedman - IGBobbyT - IG | Podcast (YouTube


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 📖 RESOURCE - The MMU (aka the Mental Muscle-Up) Questions

Click Here to get the full MMU Blueprint that you'll find inside the Brotherhood Bootcamp Training Manual

1 - What is your SITUATION? (Problem/Challenge/Opportunity)

2 - What is your NOTABLE QUOTABLE? (Quote from a pod/book/vid)

3 - What is your TRANSFORMATION? (List 4 things you DON'T want vs 4 things you DO want in relationship to the situation)

4 - What is your INSPIRATION? (What does your inner voice of wisdom tell you as you consider the first 3 questions and answers?)

5 - What is your INTEGRATION? (This is a 2-step process)

Step 1 - Your I AM StatementStep 2 - Complete the sentence, 'Today @ X time am/pm, I am COMMITTED to' with one SMALL, SPECIFIC, and SIMPLE STEP you can take in the next 24 hours (bonus points if you SCHEDULE and SHARE this step with a Brother)


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