EP046 - This episode is for you if...

👉🏾 You're willing to admit that your body looks, feels, and performs like sh*t (compared to how YOU think it should look, feel, and perform), and you want to know what I did to transform my body, and how I plan on doing it again

This episode of Inspired by Impact represents Training Session #4 inside of Week #5 of the Brotherhood Bootcamp.

This 4-part series is actually the FOUNDATIONAL series where I take one quote from the four most critical books I recommend every man consume and bring to life.

✋🏾Before We Get Started…

Every single episode we tackle what’s called the Mental Muscle-Up aka the MMU, which is designed to do one thing - take you from inspiration to implementation and Ignite the Impact you wish to see in your world.

📲 CLICK HERE to get instant access to the Mental Muscle-Up Blueprint and show us how YOU MMU!


J-Fro, James, BobbyT, G-Spot and ma man Phillip!


Atomic Habits by James ClearPhilip Pape at witsandweights.comEP024 of IBI - the four things you need to master to transform your life


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What does it take to be a Modern Man? 

One who can not just cope with the challenges of relationships,  work, family, and health. But a man who knows, speaks and lives his truth every single day through his actions not just his words. 

It’s simple.
Start TRAINING to be a better man.

By taking the same principles and strategies that work inside the gym and applying them outside the gym, you can (relatively) quickly and easily begin to 

👉🏾 Improve communication, sex, and intimacy with your partner
 👉🏾 Shed fat, build muscle, and get into the best shape of your life
 👉🏾 Manage stress, anxiety, panic, and depression
 👉🏾 Discover your One True Purpose and live a life that will become your legacy

 Hope you enjoyed today’s training session, my Brother.
 Until next time...we got this!

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