EP103 - TRAINING DAY! How does a man discover, define, and declare his PURPOSE?

Today's episode is inspired by EP102 of Inspired By Impact with Dai Manuel, Traver Boehm, and Andrew Romeo. (Check out the full episode on Spotify and Apple.)

Today we are going to be tackling three 1:2 MMUs that go over how to end the suffering of men and the suffering caused by men (thanks for that one, Traver!) by diving deep into PURPOSE Health & Fitness.

πŸ’ͺ🏾 1:2 MMU#1 - Where do you even begin when it comes to figuring out what your true purpose is? (12:26)

πŸ’ͺ🏾 1:2 MMU #2 - What if you don't have that New York Times best-selling idea? Can you still find purpose in your everyday life as an 'everyday' man? (19:57)

πŸ’ͺ🏾 1:2 MMU #3 - How do you know beyond any shadow of a doubt if you are actually living with purpose so that you don't wake up trying to chase what might already be behind you? (28:50)


This Episode Is Brought to You By...

The 2% Solution Podcast Coming November 13th!

The Give A Spot Get A Spot Challenge - Coming January 1st, 2024!Β 

A Brotherhood Bootcamp for any man who wants to be surrounded by men who will help you become a better manAvailable to Premium Members Only, which is you if you support the show :)


Dai Manuel - IG | WebsiteTraver Boehm - IG | Website | Podcast (Apple) (Spotify)Andrew Romeo - IG | Website

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