"Remember...it's not the mountains ahead of you to climb that wear you out. It's the pebble in your shoe."

What is the ONE PERSISTENT PROBLEM you've been facing for months or perhaps years that you can't get past no matter how much you try?

For me, it's breaking through on a BUSINESS level - being afraid to take my products, services, and myself to market.

What is it for you? 

Specifically, which area of the PREP Work - Purpose, Relationships, Emotional, or Physical - have you been struggling with for as long as you can remember, and you're completely dumbfounded on what the problem is, let alone what to do about it?

Before you listen to today's edition of MMU Monday, pause for a moment and ask yourself what is the pebble in your shoe that is wearing you down and what is one empowering truth you can remind yourself of to remove that pebble every time it pops back in your shoe? 


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My Brother Philip inspired today's episode. Philip is my Physique Engineer (aka Nutrition Coach), and I highly recommend you give him a followOn IG His Podcast (Apple | Spotify)His Website 

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