Would you want to know if you were full of shit?

"Fine" has become a knee-jerk response for a lot of us when asked how we're doing. Much the same way, most people would say that they're happy. But are they really?

Today, we're going to trigger some folks by having them take a hard look in the mirror and see if they're wearing a mask they label as happy when, in fact, they are anything but.


A man who is leading the charge when it comes to bringing to light the real-life challenges that men and boys face, George, who I highly recommend you connect with onIG Inspired By Impact EP110 (Apple | Spotify)


You don't have to struggle alone, my Brother. Nor do you have to succeed on your own. As one of my best coaches, Sam Falsafi of Wake Up Warrior once said, 'Pain shared is pain divided. Success shared is success multiplied.' Come divide your pain and multiply your success with us on IG, and Ignite the Impact you wish to see in your world.


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