One of a parents' many duties to their children is to keep them safe. One of their worst nightmares is having their child abducted, and that's what has happened to today's guest, Cesar Quintana. Cesars son, Alexander, was abducted at the age of 2 by his mother who fled to her native country, the Ukraine, right before the war. Since then, Cesar has tried everything to get his son back, for which he was granted full custody of by an Orange County, California court Judge. The International Abduction rules don't apply in some countries, and that's the case here. Alexander is now in Russia, and they aren't about to do anything.

What can you do to help bring Alexander home to his father? If you know anyone in Russian government who might be sympathetic to Cesar's case, please reach out to them and to Cesar. Spread the word and sign the petition. The US government must become more involved in these child abduction cases. There are over 1,000 of these per year in the USA. It's time to take action to protect these children. 

You can reach Cesar by visiting:

Google Cesar Quintana to learn more about his courageous fight as a father for the safe return of his son.