It's not always easy to make a living as an artist. Never has been. Add on top of that challenges with mental health, depression, and addiction and you have a recipe for disaster. Or do you? Today's guest used those challenges and turned them into creative opportunities. He replaced setbacks with set-forths. 

From Maury:

I am a field manager for a charity fundraising company and a published author of my very own graphic novel. I have canvassed for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and was also in fact a patient there before making my recovery. I am well aware of the 75% increase in mental health and substance use challenges that have emerged since the start of the pandemic and have taken away many key tips for keeping our heads above water.

To expand a bit more on my artistic pursuits, the graphic novel I created entitled Flame is about an ex-army veteran who is fueled by adrenaline and takes down a powerful drug cartel with links to a nuclear terrorist group. 

On a personal note, I really want to inspire people struggling with mental health. This project showed me how a diagnosis does not have to be a solo definition of who we are and how it can actually stimulate creativity. I was diagnosed with bipolar, then schizophrenia. I also had alcohol and drug issues and a history of violence and even arrests. I would love to share my story of perseverance because I believe these challenges motivated me to reinvent myself and pursue the passions that I dreamt of as a child. I think we all have a unique story to tell, which is key to motivation and self-worth. I would love to appear on your program and really enjoyed the Alam Ghafoor podcast!

Maury's graphic novel link:

Hosts note to Maury: Thanks, Maury, for sharing your inspiring story and for your vulnerable share. Keep up the great work.