For almost two years Arjan Erkel was held captive by masked Islamic rebels in Dagestan, Russia after being kidnapped for ransom. He was an anthropologist working for “Doctors without borders.” His unique story about survival, his quest for freedom, and his powerful recovery is inspiring.  It reminds us that no matter what we are faced with, we can handle it. And we thought lockdown was tough.


Since then, Arjan has been speaking about his experience worldwide, giving workshops, and coaching, and he has inspired thousands of people with his message about freedom and taking ownership of your own life.


Arjan is also a Co-Founder of ‘Free a Girl,’ a foundation that is dedicated to freeing young girls from forced prostitution. Since 2008 they have freed and given a second chance to more than 4,750 girls globally.

From Arjan:

“I learned the hard way that I can surprise myself, surpass myself and have much more power and influence than I ever imagined.

From August 2002 to April 2004, armed and masked Muslim rebels in Dagestan imprisoned me under appalling conditions for 607 days. My hostage situation was a long battle against uncertainty, stress, lack of clarity, loneliness, despair and lack of confidence, security and comfort.

Every day could be my last. Soon I realized I had to do everything possible to make the best out of the situation I was in by looking for a connection with my kidnappers and by constantly reflecting on my own behavior.

Working on safety, trust, and possibilities instead of making it worse by negativism and hostility I challenged myself every day. I learned how to push my own boundaries. I learned what patience, discipline and perseverance really mean. But I also experienced what it is like to have no more tears left to cry. I have experienced what empathy can do between mutual relationships. It helped me survive”.