Time is guaranteed to no one. The relationships we have with family and friends must be nurtured in order for them to grow, just like plants. 

In this episode, Blake Fleischacker (AKA Blake Fly) talks about the importance of doing so and shares tips on how to do so. 

About Blake:

Blake Fly believes that appreciation and accountability are rocket fuel to create epic business relationships and has built his career around this single idea. 


He is a husband, new dad, entrepreneur, and 8-time TEDx Speaker. Blake's unexpected approach to appreciation has gotten him hired to deliver keynotes on over 1000 stages and invited to work with companies like Lululemon, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. 


Blake is the Co-Founder of a daily virtual coworking team for entrepreneurs around the world, keeping everyone accountable to their “important, but no urgent” growth projects in business. 


Blake is also the producer of a 55-year event series for entrepreneurs, called “Thank U Live.” Every year, Blake invites Entrepreneurs to look back on their year, surface the big lessons from their key moments, and deliver LIVE appreciation messages to the key people in their life and their business. Thousands of gratitude messages are sent and received around the world within minutes. 


Blake is a huge fan of the Ninja Turtles, he does not get along with gluten and he has a huge crush on his beautiful bride, Emily. 


Blake "Fly" Fleischacker
Author, Speaker, Music-Maker

