At the age of 4 due to negligence on the part of a daycare center, Kellina lost her hearing. In this episode, this young entrepreneur and emerging author speaks on what we can do to help make the deaf community more inclusive. Her energy is captivating and I enjoyed our chat, as I'm certain you will.

About Kellina:

Kellina is a young entrepreneur who loves to help people with their personal growth and educate others about the deaf community. Little do people know Kellina is actually a hard of hearing. She became deaf at the age of 4. She just graduated with a psychology degree and now into starting her own online coaching business and is working on finishing her book! You can find Kellina on Twitter, IG and her website listed below: 


Twitter: cutiekellina 

IG: Deafqueenboss


What Kellina would like us to remember - from Kellina herself:

Please be respectful and mindful when you don’t know if the person has a disability. The best way to prevent any barriers is by saying am unaware of your disability how I can help? Not every disability is seen. Myself for example people would say wow no way your deaf. That is not a correct way to approach someone.