Ever wonder if you could train your brain to take certain actions or help you deal with anxiety and depression? Yes, you can! Jill Hewlett shares simple and fun techniques to help us develop new neuro pathways in the brain and help us live a happier, healthier life.

About Jill: 

Jill Hewlett is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer, wellness TV personality, and author. Her impactful keynotes have engaged professionals ranging from Educators and Clinicians to Sales Leaders and Entrepreneurs. She inspires and educates audiences ranging from 10's to 1,000's at Conferences, Special Events, and Corporate Training.

Licensed in the field of Educational Kinesiology and a Brain Gym® consultant of almost two decades, Jill has the skillful capacity to draw out the natural leadership in individuals and organizations to support them in reducing stress and achieving greater levels of efficiency, resiliency, productivity, and success.

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